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  • Become devoted to these physicians with (all your) soul, that ye may be filled with musk and ambergris.
  • این طبیبان را به جان بنده شوید ** تا به مشک و عنبر آکنده شوید
  • How the people suspected the prophets.
  • متهم داشتن قوم انبیا را
  • The people said, “All this is fraud and deceit: how should God make a vicar of Zayd and Bakr?
  • قوم گفتند این همه زرقست و مکر ** کی خدا نایب کند از زید و بکر
  • Every king's messenger must be of his (the king's) kind: where are water and clay in comparison with the Creator of the heavens?
  • هر رسول شاه باید جنس او ** آب و گل کو خالق افلاک کو
  • Have we eaten ass's brains that we, like you, should deem a gnat to be the confidant of the humá? 2735
  • مغز خر خوردیم تا ما چون شما ** پشه را داریم همراز هما
  • Where is a gnat in comparison with the humá? Where is earth in comparison with God? What relation to the mote has the sun in the sky?
  • کو هما کو پشه کو گل کو خدا ** ز آفتاب چرخ چه بود ذره را
  • What resemblance is this, and what connexion is this, that it should enter into any mind and brain?
  • این چه نسبت این چه پیوندی بود ** تاکه در عقل و دماغی در رود
  • Story of the hares who sent a hare as ambassador to the elephant, bidding him say, ‘I come to thee as the ambassador of the Moon in heaven to bid thee beware of (drinking from) this water-spring,’ as is told in full in the Book of Kalíla (and Dimna).
  • حکایت خرگوشان کی خرگوشی راپیش پیل فرستادند کی بگو کی من رسول ماه آسمانم پیش تو کی ازین چشمه آب حذر کن چنانک در کتاب کلیله تمام گفته است
  • This (claim made by you) resembles the saying of a certain hare—‘I am the ambassador of the Moon and companion to the Moon.’
  • این بدان ماند که خرگوشی بگفت ** من رسول ماهم و با ماه جفت
  • For all the beasts of chase were in woe on account of a herd of elephants (dwelling) beside that limpid spring;
  • کز رمه‌ی پیلان بر آن چشمه‌ی زلال ** جمله نخجیران بدند اندر وبال
  • All were deprived (of water) and (were kept) far from the spring by dread: since (their) strength was inferior, they made a plot. 2740
  • جمله محروم و ز خوف از چشمه دور ** حیله‌ای کردند چون کم بود زور
  • From the mountain-top the old hare cried towards the elephants on the first night of the new-moon—
  • از سر که بانگ زد خرگوش زال ** سوی پیلان در شب غره‌ی هلال