- The true believers are a store of honey, like the bee; the infidels, in sooth, are a store of poison, like the snake,
- مومنان کان عسل زنبوروار ** کافران خود کان زهری همچو مار
- Because the true believer ate choice herbs, so that, like a bee, his spittle became (a means of giving) life;
- زانک مومن خورد بگزیده نبات ** تا چو نحلی گشت ریق او حیات
- (While), again, the infidel drank sherbet of filthy water: accordingly from his nourishment poison appeared in him.
- باز کافر خورد شربت از صدید ** هم ز قوتش زهر شد در وی پدید
- Those inspired by God are the fountain of life; those allured by the enticements of sensuality are the poison of death. 3295
- اهل الهام خدا عین الحیات ** اهل تسویل هوا سم الممات
- In the world this praise and “well done!” and “bravo!” are (bestowed) in virtue of free-will and watchful attention.
- در جهان این مدح و شاباش و زهی ** ز اختیارست و حفاظ آگهی
- All profligates, when they are in prison, become devout and ascetic and invokers of God.
- جمله رندان چونک در زندان بوند ** متقی و زاهد و حقخوان شوند
- When the power (to act freely) is gone, the work becomes unsaleable (worthless). Take heed lest Doom seize the capital (which thou hast).
- چونک قدرت رفت کاسد شد عمل ** هین که تا سرمایه نستاند اجل
- The power (of free action) is thy profit-earning capital. Hark, watch over the moment of power and observe (it well)!
- قدرتت سرمایهی سودست هین ** وقت قدرت را نگه دار و ببین
- Man rides on the steed of “We have honoured (the sons of Adam)”: the reins of free-will are in the hand of his intelligence. 3300
- آدمی بر خنگ کرمنا سوار ** در کف درکش عنان اختیار
- Once more did Moses admonish him kindly, saying, “The thing thou desirest will make thy face pale.
- باز موسی داد پند او را بمهر ** که مرادت زرد خواهد کرد چهر