- When the door of the Armoury was opened, the amorous glances became archers,
- چون در زرادخانه باز شد ** غمزههای چشم تیرانداز شد
- And shot arrows at my heart and frenzied me and made me in love with thanksgiving and sugar-chewing. 4135
- بر دلم زد تیر و سوداییم کرد ** عاشق شکر و شکرخاییم کرد
- I am the lover of that One to whom every ‘that’ belongs: of (even) a single pearl of His the bodyguard is Intellect and Spirit.
- عاشق آنم که هر آن آن اوست ** عقل و جان جاندار یک مرجان اوست
- I do not boast, or if I boast, (’tis only in appearance, for) like water, I have no trouble in quenching fire.
- من نلافم ور بلافم همچو آب ** نیست در آتشکشیام اضطراب
- How should I steal when He is the keeper of the treasury? How should not I be hard-faced (bold and resolute)? He is my support.
- چون بدزدم چون حفیظ مخزن اوست ** چون نباشم سخترو پشت من اوست
- Every one whose back is warmed by the Sun will be hard-faced: he will have neither dread nor shame.
- هر که از خورشید باشد پشت گرم ** سخت رو باشد نه بیم او را نه شرم
- His face has become foe-burning and veil-rending, like the face of the peerless Sun. 4140
- همچو روی آفتاب بیحذر ** گشت رویش خصمسوز و پردهدر
- Every prophet was hard-faced in this world, and beat single-handed against the army of the kings,
- هر پیمبر سخترو بد در جهان ** یکسواره کوفت بر جیش شهان
- And did not avert his face from any fear or pain, (but) single and alone dashed against a (whole) world.
- رو نگردانید از ترس و غمی ** یکتنه تنها بزد بر عالمی
- The rock is hard-faced and bold-eyed: it is not afraid of the world that is full of brickbats;
- سنگ باشد سخترو و چشمشوخ ** او نترسد از جهان پر کلوخ