- Thou wert a part of the sun and the cloud and the stars: thou becamest soul and action and speech and thoughts.” 4185
- جزو شید و ابر و انجمها بدی ** نفس و فعل و قول و فکرتها شدی
- The existence of the animal arose from the death of the plant: (hence the command) “slay me, O trusty friends” is right.
- هستی حیوان شد از مرگ نبات ** راست آمد اقتلونی یا ثقات
- Since there is such a victory for us after the checkmate (of death), (the words) “verily, in my being slain there is a life” are true.
- چون چنین بردیست ما را بعد مات ** راست آمد ان فی قتلی حیات
- Action and speech and sincerity became the food of the angel, so that by means of this ladder he mounted to heaven,
- فعل و قول و صدق شد قوت ملک ** تا بدین معراج شد سوی فلک
- Just as (when) that morsel became the food of Man, it mounted from (the state of) inanimateness and became possessed of soul.
- آنچنان کان طعمه شد قوت بشر ** از جمادی بر شد و شد جانور
- As regards this topic, a wide (far-reaching) explanation will be given in another place. 4190
- این سخن را ترجمهی پهناوری ** گفته آید در مقام دیگری
- “The caravan (of spirits) is incessantly arriving from heaven, that they may traffic (on the earth) and go back again.
- کاروان دایم ز گردون میرسد ** تا تجارت میکند وا میرود
- Go, then, sweetly and gladly with free-will, not with bitterness and loathing, like a thief.
- پس برو شیرین و خوش با اختیار ** نه بتلخی و کراهت دزدوار
- I am speaking bitter words to thee, in order that I may wash thee (clean) of bitternesses.
- زان حدیث تلخ میگویم ترا ** تا ز تلخیها فرو شویم ترا
- The frozen grape is thawed by cold water and lays aside its coldness and congealment.
- ز آب سرد انگور افسرده رهد ** سردی و افسردگی بیرون نهد