His dust makes eyes bright; his manliness uproots mountains.
دیدهها را گرد او روشن کند ** کوهها را مردی او بر کند
When Moses came up from the remotest part of the desert, at his advent Mount Sinai began to dance.
چون بر آمد موسی از اقصای دشت ** کوه طور از مقدمش رقاص گشت
Commentary on (the text), O ye mountains, repeat (the praise of God) in accord with him, and the birds (likewise).
تفسیر یا جبال اوبی معه والطیر
The face of David shone with His glory: the mountains sang plaintively after him.
روی داود از فرش تابان شده ** کوهها اندر پیش نالان شده
The mountain became an accompanist to David: both the minstrels (were) drunken in love for a King.
کوه با داود گشته همرهی ** هردو مطرب مست در عشق شهی
Came the (Divine) command, “O ye mountains, repeat (the praise of God)”: both joined their voices and kept the tune together.4270
یا جبال اوبی امر آمده ** هر دو همآواز و همپرده شده
He (God) said, “O David, thou hast suffered separation: for My sake thou hast parted from thine intimates.”
گفت داودا تو هجرت دیدهای ** بهر من از همدمان ببریدهای
O lonely stranger who hast become friendless, from whose heart the fire of longing hath flamed up,
ای غریب فرد بی مونس شده ** آتش شوق از دلت شعله زده
Thou desirest minstrels and singers and boon-companions: the Eternal One brings the mountains unto thee.
مطربان خواهی و قوال و ندیم ** کوهها را پیشت آرد آن قدیم
He makes (them) minstrels and singers and pipers: He makes the mountain blow in measure before thee,
مطرب و قوال و سرنایی کند ** که به پیشت بادپیمایی کند
To the end that thou mayst know that, since the mountain is permitted to sing, the saint (likewise) hath plaintive songs (uttered) without lips or teeth.4275
تا بدانی ناله چون که را رواست ** بی لب و دندان ولی را نالههاست