- He (the saint) beholds a hundred discourses in himself, while his companion has gotten no scent (perception thereof).
- بنگرد در نفس خود صد گفت و گو ** همنشین او نبرده هیچ بو
- Within thy heart a hundred questions and a hundred answers are coming from (the realm of) non-spatiality to thy dwelling-place.
- صد سال و صد جواب اندر دلت ** میرسد از لامکان تا منزلت
- Thou hearest (them); the ears (of another) do not hear (them), (even) if he bring his ear nigh to thee. 4280
- بشنوی تو نشنود زان گوشها ** گر به نزدیک تو آرد گوش را
- O deaf man, I grant that truly thou hearest them not; (but) since thou hast seen their (external) emblem, how wilt not thou believe?
- گیرم ای کر خود تو آن را نشنوی ** چون مثالش دیدهای چون نگروی
- Reply to him who rails at the Mathnawí on account of his being deficient in understanding.
- جواب طعنهزننده در مثنوی از قصور فهم خود
- O railing cur, you are bow-wowing and practising evasion for the purpose of railing at the Qur’án.
- ای سگ طاعن تو عو عو میکنی ** طعن قرآن را برونشو میکنی
- This is not such a lion that you will save your life from it or carry off your faith (secure) from the claws of its vengeance.
- این نه آن شیرست کز وی جان بری ** یا ز پنجهی قهر او ایمان بری
- The Qur’án is proclaiming till the Resurrection—“O people devoted to ignorance,
- تا قیامت میزند قرآن ندی ** ای گروهی جهل را گشته فدی
- Who were deeming me to be an idle tale and were sowing the seed of raillery and infidelity, 4285
- که مرا افسانه میپنداشتید ** تخم طعن و کافری میکاشتید
- (Now) ye yourselves have seen (the truth of) what ye were scoffing at, (namely), that ye were perishable and idle tale.
- خود بدیدیت آنک طعنه میزدیت ** که شما فانی و افسانه بدیت
- I am the Word of God and subsistent through the (Divine) Essence; I am the Food of the soul of the soul. And (I am) the Jacinth of purity.
- من کلام حقم و قایم به ذات ** قوت جان جان و یاقوت زکات