- The mother said, “Ever since the world existed, there have been busybodies of this sort on the earth.”
- گفت مادر تا جهان بودست ازین ** کارافزایان بدند اندر زمین
- Hark, do your own business, O worthy man: soon will they tear their beards (in sorrow).
- هین تو کار خویش کن ای ارجمند ** زود کایشان ریش خود بر میکنند
- The time is restricted, and the abundant water is flowing away: (drink) ere, through being parted (from it), you fall to pieces. 4300
- وقت تنگ و میرود آب فراخ ** پیش از آن کز هجر گردی شاخ شاخ
- There is a famous conduit, full of the Water of Life: draw the Water, in order that verdure may grow up from you.
- شهره کاریزیست پر آب حیات ** آب کش تا بر دمد از تو نبات
- We are drinking the water of Khizr from the river of the speech of the saints: come, O heedless thirsty man!
- آب خضر از جوی نطق اولیا ** میخوریم ای تشنهی غافل بیا
- If you do not see the water, artfully after the fashion of the blind bring the jug to the river, and dip it in the river.
- گر نبینی آب کورانه بفن ** سوی جو آور سبو در جوی زن
- Forasmuch as you have heard that there is water in this river-bed, (go and try): the blind man must practise conformity.
- چون شنیدی کاندرین جو آب هست ** کور را تقلید باید کار بست
- Carry down to the river the water-skin that has thoughts of the water, so that you may find your water-skin heavy. 4305
- جو فرو بر مشک آباندیش را ** تا گران بینی تو مشک خویش را
- When you have found it heavy, you will be led to infer (the truth): at that moment your heart is delivered from dry conformity.
- چون گران دیدی شوی تو مستدل ** رست از تقلید خشک آنگاه دل
- If the blind man does not see the river-water ocularly, yet he knows, when he finds the jug heavy,
- گر نبیند کور آب جو عیان ** لیک داند چون سبو بیند گران