Fire and smoke issue from her trunk: beware of (hurting) those pitied (cherished) children of hers!”
آتش و دود آید از خرطوم او ** الحذر زان کودک مرحوم او
O son, the saints are God's children: (both) in (their) absence and presence (He is) well aware (of what befalls them).
اولیا اطفال حقاند ای پسر ** غایبی و حاضری بس با خبر
Do not deem absence (from Him) to be the result of imperfection on their part, for He takes vengeance for the sake of their spirits (which are one with Him).80
غایبی مندیش از نقصانشان ** کو کشد کین از برای جانشان
He said, “These saints are My children in exile, sundered from (My) dominion and glory;
گفت اطفال مناند این اولیا ** در غریبی فرد از کار و کیا
(They are) despised and orphaned for the sake of probation, but secretly I am their friend and intimate.
از برای امتحان خوار و یتیم ** لیک اندر سر منم یار و ندیم
All of them are supported by My protections: you may say they are in sooth parts of Me.
پشتدار جمله عصمتهای من ** گوییا هستند خود اجزای من
Take heed! Take heed! These are My dervishes; they are a hundred thousand thousand and (yet) they are one body.”
هان و هان این دلقپوشان مناند ** صد هزار اندر هزار و یک تناند
Else, how should a Moses have overthrown Pharaoh by means of one goodly rod?85
ورنه کی کردی به یک چوبی هنر ** موسیی فرعون را زیر و زبر
Else, how should Noah have submerged East and West in his Flood by means of one evil curse?
ورنه کی کردی به یک نفرین بد ** نوح شرق و غرب را غرقاب خود
One prayer of the generous Lot would not have rased (to the ground) all their (his people's) city (and left them) in despair.
بر نکندی یک دعای لوط راد ** جمله شهرستانشان را بی مراد