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  • Like the deer of which a dog is in pursuit and which keeps running so long as there is a single nerve in its body.
  • هم‌چو آهو کز پی او سگ بود ** می‌دود تا در تنش یک رگ بود
  • Hare’s sleep (heedlessness) with the dog in pursuit is a sin: how indeed is sleep (dwelling) in the eye of him who hath fear?
  • خواب خرگوش و سگ اندر پی خطاست ** خواب خود در چشم ترسنده کجاست
  • That fish departed and took the way to the sea: it took the far way and the vast expanse.
  • رفت آن ماهی ره دریا گرفت ** راه دور و پهنه‌ی پهنا گرفت
  • It suffered many afflictions, and in the end it went after all towards safety and welfare.
  • رنجها بسیار دید و عاقبت ** رفت آخر سوی امن و عافیت
  • It cast itself into the deep Sea whose bound no eye can reach. 2240
  • خویشتن افکند در دریای ژرف ** که نیابد حد آن را هیچ طرف
  • So when the fishermen brought their net (to the lake), the half-intelligent (fish) was bitterly grieved thereat.
  • پس چو صیادان بیاوردند دام ** نیم‌عاقل را از آن شد تلخ کام
  • And said, “Alas, I have lost the opportunity: how did not I accompany that guide?
  • گفت اه من فوت کردم فرصه را ** چون نگشتم همره آن رهنما
  • He went off suddenly, but seeing that he went I ought to have gone after him in hot haste.”
  • ناگهان رفت او ولیکن چونک رفت ** می‌ببایستم شدن در پی بتفت
  • ‘Tis wrong to regret the past: what is gone will not come back: to remember it is of no avail.
  • بر گذشته حسرت آوردن خطاست ** باز ناید رفته یاد آن هباست
  • Story of the captive bird which gave the (following) injunctions: do not feel sorrow for what is past, think about taking precaution for the present (need), and do not spend time in repenting.
  • قصه‌ی آن مرغ گرفته کی وصیت کرد کی بر گذشته پشیمانی مخور تدارک وقت اندیش و روزگار مبر در پشیمانی
  • A certain man caught a bird by guile and trap: the bird said to him, “O noble sire, 2245
  • آن یکی مرغی گرفت از مکر و دام ** مرغ او را گفت ای خواجه‌ی همام