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  • That he might rub them on his wings and beak, if that person of goodly practice give him permission.
  • تا بمالد در پر و منقال خویش ** گر دهد دستوریش آن خوب کیش
  • The falcon says, “If the anger of the old crone has blazed forth, (yet) it has not consumed my glory and splendour and self-denial and knowledge.
  • باز گوید خشم کمپیر ار فروخت ** فر و نور و علم و صبرم را نسوخت
  • The falcon, (which is) my spirit, will still weave a hundred forms: the blow falls on the she-camel, not on Sálih.
  • باز جانم باز صد صورت تند ** زخم بر ناقه نه بر صالح زند
  • At a single awful breath that Sálih heaves, the back (womb) of the mountain will bring to birth a hundred such she-camels.”
  • صالح از یک‌دم که آرد با شکوه ** صد چنان ناقه بزاید متن کوه
  • (My) heart is saying, “Be silent and observe discretion; otherwise, the (Divine) jealousy will end the warp and woof (of thy existence).” 2650
  • دل همی گوید خموش و هوش دار ** ورنه درانید غیرت پود و تار
  • His jealousy hath a hundred hidden clemencies; else in one moment it would consume a hundred worlds.
  • غیرتش را هست صد حلم نهان ** ورنه سوزیدی به یک دم صد جهان
  • Kingly pride seized the place of (left no room for) admonition in him (Pharaoh), so that he wrenched his heart away from the bonds of admonition,
  • نخوت شاهی گرفتش جای پند ** تا دل خود را ز بند پند کند
  • Saying, “I will take counsel with Hámán, for he is the support of the kingdom and the pivot of power.”
  • که کنم بار رای هامان مشورت ** کوست پشت ملک و قطب مقدرت
  • The Lord's veracious witness was the counsellor of Mustafá (Mohammed); Bú Lahab became the counsellor of Bú Jahl.
  • مصطفی را رای‌زن صدیق رب ** رای‌زن بوجهل را شد بولهب
  • The homogeneity rooted in his nature drew him (towards Hámán) so (strongly) that those admonishments (of Ásiya) became irksome to him. 2655
  • عرق جنسیت چنانش جذب کرد ** کان نصیحتها به پیشش گشت سرد