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  • When his adorer turns away from him, he knows that that (adoration) was poisonous and destructive to him. 2745
  • چونک بر گردد ازو آن ساجدش ** داند او کان زهر بود و موبدش
  • Oh, blest is he whose carnal soul was abased! Alas who became like a mountain from arrogance
  • ای خنک آن را که ذلت نفسه ** وای آنک از سرکشی شد چون که او
  • Know that this pride is a killing poison: that fool toxicated by the poisonous wine.
  • این تکبر زهر قاتل دان که هست ** از می پر زهر شد آن گیج مست
  • When an unhappy wretch drinks the poisonous wine, his head in delight for one moment.
  • چون می پر زهر نوشد مدبری ** از طرب یکدم بجنباند سری
  • After one moment the poison falls on his spirit the poison exercises (complete) sway over his spirit.
  • بعد یک‌دم زهر بر جانش فتد ** زهر در جانش کند داد و ستد
  • If you have not firm belief in its being poisonous (and do not know) what (a deadly) poison it is, look at the people of ‘Ád. 2750
  • گر نذاری زهری‌اش را اعتقاد ** کو چه زهر آمد نگر در قوم عاد
  • When one king gains the upper hand (prevails) over another. king, he kills him or confines him in a dungeon;
  • چونک شاهی دست یابد بر شهی ** بکشدش یا باز دارد در چهی
  • But if he find a fallen wounded man, the king will make a plaster for him and bestow gifts on him.
  • ور بیابد خسته‌ی افتاده را ** مرهمش سازد شه و بدهد عطا
  • If that pride is not poison, then why did he kill the (vanquished) king without (his having committed any) crime or offence?
  • گر نه زهرست آن تکبر پس چرا ** کشت شه را بی‌گناه و بی‌خطا
  • And how did he treat this other (helpless) man (so) kindly without (his having performed any) service? From these two actions you may recognise (the poisonous nature of) pride.
  • وین دگر را بی ز خدمت چون نواخت ** زین دو جنبش زهر را شاید شناخت