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  • The night which the King in his wrath covered with pitch (pitchy darkness) holds in disdain a thousand days of festival.
  • شب که شاه از قهر در قیرش کشید ** ننگ دارد از هزاران روز عید
  • Verily, the circumambulation performed by him who beholds the King is above wrath and grace and infidelity and religion.
  • خود طواف آنک او شه‌بین بود ** فوق قهر و لطف و کفر و دین بود
  • Not one word (capable of) expressing it has (ever) come into the world, for it is hidden, hidden, hidden,
  • زان نیامد یک عبارت در جهان ** که نهانست و نهانست و نهان
  • Inasmuch as these glorious names and words were manifested from the reel (uttered from the mouth) of Adam.
  • زانک این اسما و الفاظ حمید ** از گلابه‌ی آدمی آمد پدید
  • He (God) taught (him) the names was an Imám (an infallible authority) for Adam; but (the teaching was) not in the garb of (letters such as) ‘ayn and lám. 2970
  • علم الاسما بد آدم را امام ** لیک نه اندر لباس عین و لام
  • When he put on his head the cap of water and clay, those spiritual names became black-faced,
  • چون نهاد از آب و گل بر سر کلاه ** گشت آن اسمای جانی روسیاه
  • For they assumed the veil of letters and breath, (only) in order that the essential reality might (gradually) be made manifest to the water and clay.
  • که نقاب حرف و دم در خود کشید ** تا شود بر آب و گل معنی پدید
  • Although from one point of view speech is a revealer, yet from ten points of view it is a curtain and concealer.
  • گرچه از یک وجه منطق کاشف است ** لیک از ده وجه پرده و مکنف است
  • How Khalíl (Abraham) answered Gabriel, on both of whom be peace, when he asked him, "Hast thou any need?"—"As regards need of thee, no!"
  • گفتن خلیل مر جبرئیل را علیهماالسلام چون پرسیدش کی الک حاجة خلیل جوابش داد کی اما الیک فلا
  • “I am the Khalíl (Abraham) of the present time, and he is the Gabriel: I do not want him as a guide (to deliver me) in calamity.
  • من خلیل وقتم و او جبرئیل ** من نخواهم در بلا او را دلیل
  • He did not learn respectfulness (as he might) from noble Gabriel, who asked the Friend of God (Abraham) what was his wish, 2975
  • او ادب ناموخت از جبریل راد ** که بپرسید از خیل حق مراد