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  • Otherwise, wherefore is this saying “why”?—since (hypothetically) the form is for the sake of the form itself. 2995
  • ورنه این گفتن چرا از بهر چیست ** چونک صورت بهر عین صورتیست
  • This saying “why” is a question concerning the use (reason): it is bad to say “why” for any cause but this.
  • این چرا گفتن سال از فایده‌ست ** جز برای این چرا گفتن بدست
  • Wherefore, O trusty one, should you desire (to know) the use (reason)?—since (hypothetically) the use of this (form) is only this (form itself).
  • از چه رو فایده‌ی جویی ای امین ** چون بود فایده این خود همین
  • Hence it is not (in accordance with) wisdom that the forms of heaven and (those of) the people of the earth should be (created) for this only.
  • پس نقوش آسمان و اهل زمین ** نیست حکمت کان بود بهر همین
  • If there is no Wise (Creator), what is (the reason of) this orderly arrangement (the cosmos)? And if there is a Wise (Creator), how is His action devoid (of meaning)?
  • گر حکیمی نیست این ترتیب چیست ** ور حکیمی هست چون فعلش تهیست
  • No one makes pictures and colouring in a bath-house except for (some) purpose (either) right or wrong. 3000
  • کس نسازد نقش گرمابه و خضاب ** جز پی قصد صواب و ناصواب
  • How Moses, on whom be peace, besought the Lord, saying, "Thou didst create creatures and destroy them," and how the answer came.
  • مطالبه کردن موسی علیه‌السلام حضرت را کی خلقت خلقا اهلکتهم و جواب آمدن
  • Moses said, “O Lord of the Reckoning, Thou didst create the form: how didst Thou destroy it again?”
  • گفت موسی ای خداوند حساب ** نقش کردی باز چون کردی خراب
  • Thou hast made the form, male and female, that gives unto the spirit increase (of joy); and then Thou dost ruin it: why?”
  • نر و ماده نقش کردی جان‌فزا ** وانگهان ویران کنی این را چرا
  • God said, “I know that this question of thine is not from disbelief and heedlessness and idle fancy;
  • گفت حق دانم که این پرسش ترا ** نیست از انکار و غفلت وز هوا
  • Else I should have corrected and chastised thee: I should have afflicted thee on account of this question.
  • ورنه تادیب و عتابت کردمی ** بهر این پرسش ترا آزردمی