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  • To jesters every earnest matter is a jest; to the wise (all) jests are earnest.
  • هر جدی هزلست پیش هازلان ** هزلها جدست پیش عاقلان
  • Lazy folk seek the pear-tree, but ’tis a good (long) way to that pear-tree. 3560
  • کاهلان امرودبن جویند لیک ** تا بدان امرودبن راهیست نیک
  • Descend from the pear-tree on which at present thou hast become giddy-eyed and giddy-faced.
  • نقل کن ز امرودبن که اکنون برو ** گشته‌ای تو خیره‌چشم و خیره‌رو
  • This (pear-tree) is the primal egoism and self-existence wherein the eye is awry and squinting.
  • این منی و هستی اول بود ** که برو دیده کژ و احول بود
  • When thou comest down from this pear-tree, thy thoughts and eyes and words will no more be awry.
  • چون فرود آیی ازین امرودبن ** کژ نماند فکرت و چشم و سخن
  • Thou wilt see that this (pear-tree) has become a tree of fortune, its boughs (reaching) to the Seventh Heaven.
  • یک درخت بخت بینی گشته این ** شاخ او بر آسمان هفتمین
  • When thou comest down and partest from it, God in His mercy will cause it to be transformed. 3565
  • چون فرود آیی ازو گردی جدا ** مبدلش گرداند از رحمت خدا
  • On account of this humility shown by thee in coming down, God will bestow on thine eye true vision.
  • زین تواضع که فرود آیی خدا ** راست بینی بخشد آن چشم ترا
  • If true vision were easy and facile, how should Mustafá (Mohammed) have desired it from the Lord?
  • راست بینی گر بدی آسان و زب ** مصطفی کی خواستی آن را ز رب
  • He said, “Show (unto me) each part from above and below such as that part is in Thy sight.”
  • گفت بنما جزو جزو از فوق و پست ** آنچنان که پیش تو آن جزو هست