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  • O Hatím, to-day without doubt thou wilt become anew the abode of exalted spirits.
  • ای حطیم امروز بی‌شک از نوی ** منزل جانهای بالایی شوی
  • The spirits of the holy will come to thee from every quarter in troops and multitudes, drunken with desire.”
  • جان پاکان طلب طلب و جوق جوق ** آیدت از هر نواحی مست شوق
  • Halíma was bewildered by that voice: neither in front nor behind was any one (to be seen).
  • گشت حیران آن حلیمه زان صدا ** نه کسی در پیش نه سوی قفا
  • (All) the six directions were empty of (any visible) form, and this cry was continuous—may the soul be a ransom for that cry! 925
  • شش جهت خالی ز صورت وین ندا ** شد پیاپی آن ندا را جان فدا
  • She laid Mustafá on the earth, that she might search after the sweet sound.
  • مصطفی را بر زمین بنهاد او ** تا کند آن بانگ خوش را جست و جو
  • Then she cast her eye to and fro, saying, “Where is that king that tells of mysteries?
  • چشم می‌انداخت آن دم سو به سو ** که کجا است این شه اسرارگو
  • For such a loud sound is arriving from left and right. O Lord, where is he that causes it to arrive?”
  • کین چنین بانگ بلند از چپ و راست ** می‌رسد یا رب رساننده کجاست
  • When she did not see (any one), she became distraught and despairing: her body began to tremble like the willow-bough.
  • چون ندید او خیره و نومید شد ** جسم لرزان هم‌چو شاخ بید شد
  • She came back towards that righteous child: she did not see Mustafá in his (former) place. 930
  • باز آمد سوی آن طفل رشید ** مصطفی را بر مکان خود ندید
  • Bewilderment on bewilderment fell upon her heart: from grief her abode became very dark.
  • حیرت اندر حیرت آمد بر دلش ** گشت بس تاریک از غم منزلش