- Saying, “In such and such a place there is a tank of water and (many) fountains,” that he may cast thee headlong into the tank.
- که فلان جا حوض آبست و عیون ** تا در اندازد به حوضت سرنگون
- That accursed one caused an Adam, notwithstanding all his inspiration and insight, to fall into woe and bane, 2610
- آدمی را با همه وحی و نظر ** اندر افکند آن لعین در شور و شر
- Without any sin (having been committed against him) and without any previous harm having been wrongfully done to him by Adam.
- بیگناهی بیگزند سابقی ** که رسد او را ز آدم ناحقی
- The fox replied, “It was a spell of magic that appeared in your eyes as a lion;
- گفت روبه آن طلسم سحر بود ** که ترا در چشم آن شیری نمود
- Else I am more puny in body than you, and I always feed there by night and day.
- ورنه من از تو به تن مسکینترم ** که شب و روز اندر آنجا میچرم
- If he (the magician) had not wrought a spell of that kind, every famishing (animal) would have run thither.
- گرنه زان گونه طلسمی ساختی ** هر شکمخواری بدانجا تاختی
- (In) a foodless world full of elephants and rhinoceroses how should the meadow have remained verdant without (the protection of) a spell? 2615
- یک جهان بینوا پر پیل و ارج ** بیطلسمی کی بماندی سبز مرج
- Truly, I meant to tell you, by way of instruction, not to be afraid if you should see a terrible thing like that;
- من ترا خود خواستم گفتن به درس ** که چنان هولی اگر بینی مترس
- But I forgot to impart (this) knowledge to you, because I was overwhelmed with grief and pity on your account.
- لیک رفت از یاد علم آموزیت ** که بدم مستغرق دلسوزیت
- I saw you were ravenously hungry and without food, (therefore) I was making haste so that you might attain to the remedy;
- دیدمت در جوع کلب و بینوا ** میشتابیدم که آیی تا دوا