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  • If a camel-driver goes on striking a camel, the camel will attack the striker. 3050
  • گر شتربان اشتری را می‌زند  ** آن شتر قصد زننده می‌کند 
  • The camel's anger is not (directed) against his stick: therefore the camel has got some notion of the power of choice (in Man).
  • خشم اشتر نیست با آن چوب او  ** پس ز مختاری شتر بردست بو 
  • Similarly a dog, if you throw a stone at him, will rush at you and become contorted (with fury).
  • هم‌چنین سگ گر برو سنگی زنی  ** بر تو آرد حمله گردد منثنی 
  • If he seize the stone, ’tis because of his anger against you; for you are far off and he has no means of getting at you.
  • سنگ را گر گیرد از خشم توست  ** که تو دوری و ندارد بر تو دست 
  • Since the animal intelligence is conscious of the power of choice (in Man), do not thou, O human intelligence, hold this (Necessitarian doctrine). Be ashamed!
  • عقل حیوانی چو دانست اختیار  ** این مگو ای عقل انسان شرم دار 
  • This (power of choice) is manifest, but in his desire for the meal taken before dawn that (greedy) eater shuts his eyes to the light. 3055
  • روشنست این لیکن از طمع سحور  ** آن خورنده چشم می‌بندد ز نور 
  • Since all his desire is for eating bread, he sets his face towards the darkness, saying, ‘It is not (yet) day.’
  • چونک کلی میل او نان خوردنیست  ** رو به تاریکی نهد که روز نیست 
  • Inasmuch as greed causes the sun to be hidden (from him), what wonder if he turn his back on the convincing proof?
  • حرص چون خورشید را پنهان کند  ** چه عجب گر پشت بر برهان کند 
  • A Story illustrating and confirming the view that mankind have the power of choice, and showing that Pre-ordination and Predestination do not annul the power of choice.
  • حکایت هم در بیان تقریر اختیار خلق و بیان آنک تقدیر و قضا سلب کننده‌ی اختیار نیست 
  • A thief said to the magistrate, ‘O (my) king, that which I have done was decreed by God.’
  • گفت دزدی شحنه را کای پادشاه  ** آنچ کردم بود آن حکم اله 
  • The magistrate replied, ‘That which I am doing is also decreed by God, O light of my eyes.’
  • گفت شحنه آنچ من هم می‌کنم  ** حکم حقست ای دو چشم روشنم