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  • In sooth every one that dies wishes that the departure to his destination had been earlier:
  • هر که میرد خود تمنی باشدش  ** که بدی زین پیش نقل مقصدش 
  • If he be wicked, in order that his wickedness might have been less; and if devout, in order that he might have come home sooner.
  • گر بود بد تا بدی کمتر بدی  ** ور تقی تا خانه زوتر آمدی 
  • The wicked man says, ‘I have been heedless, moment by moment I have been adding to the veil (of sin).
  • گوید آن بد بی‌خبر می‌بوده‌ام  ** دم به دم من پرده می‌افزوده‌ام 
  • If my passing (from the world) had taken place sooner, this screen and veil of mine would have been less.’
  • گر ازین زودتر مرا معبر بدی  ** این حجاب و پرده‌ام کمتر بدی 
  • Do not in covetousness rend the face of contentment, and do not in pride rend the visage of humility. 610
  • از حریصی کم دران روی قنوع  ** وز تکبر کم دران چهره‌ی خشوع 
  • Likewise do not in avarice rend the face of munificence, and in devilishness the beauteous countenance of worship.
  • هم‌چنین از بخل کم در روی جود  ** وز بلیسی چهره‌ی خوب سجود 
  • Do not tear out those feathers which are an ornament to Paradise: do not tear out those feathers which (enable thee to) traverse the Way.”
  • بر مکن آن پر خلد آرای را  ** بر مکن آن پر ره‌پیمای را 
  • When he (the peacock) heard this counsel, he looked at him (the Sage) and, after that, began to lament and weep.
  • چون شنید این پند در وی بنگریست  ** بعد از آن در نوحه آمد می‌گریست 
  • The long lamentation and weeping of the sorrowful (peacock) caused every one who was there to fall a-weeping;
  • نوحه و گریه‌ی دراز دردمند  ** هر که آنجا بود بر گریه‌ش فکند 
  • And he who was asking the reason of (the peacock's) tearing out his feathers, (he too being left) without an answer repented (of having asked) and wept, 615
  • وآنک می‌پرسید پر کندن ز چیست  ** بی‌جوابی شد پشیمان می‌گریست