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  • Again, when a cloud comes, driven along, the light goes: of the moon there remains (only) a phantom. 685
  • باز چون ابری بیاید رانده  ** رفت نور از مه خیالی مانده 
  • Its light is made feeble by the cloud-veil: that noble full-moon becomes less than the new moon.
  • از حجاب ابر نورش شد ضعیف  ** کم ز ماه نو شد آن بدر شریف 
  • The moon is made to appear a phantom by clouds and dust: the cloud, (which is) the body, has caused us to conceive phantasies.
  • مه خیالی می‌نماید ز ابر و گرد  ** ابر تن ما را خیال‌اندیش کرد 
  • Behold the kindness of the (Divine) Moon; for this too is His kindness, that He hath said, ‘The clouds are enemies to Us.’
  • لطف مه بنگر که این هم لطف اوست  ** که بگفت او ابرها ما را عدوست 
  • The Moon is independent of clouds and dust: the Moon hath His orbit aloft in the (spiritual) sky.
  • مه فراغت دارد از ابر و غبار  ** بر فراز چرخ دارد مه مدار 
  • The cloud is our mortal enemy and adversary because it hides the Moon from our eyes. 690
  • ابر ما را شد عدو و خصم جان  ** که کند مه را ز چشم ما نهان 
  • This veil makes the houri (to appear as) a hag: it makes the full-moon less than a new moon.
  • حور را این پرده زالی می‌کند  ** بدر را کم از هلالی می‌کند 
  • The Moon hath seated us in the lap of glory: He hath called our foe His enemy.
  • ماه ما را در کنار عز نشاند  ** دشمن ما را عدوی خویش خواند 
  • The splendour and beauty of the cloud is (derived) from the Moon, (but) whoever calls the cloud the Moon is much astray.
  • تاب ابر و آب او خود زین مهست  ** هر که مه خواند ابر را بس گمرهست 
  • Since the light of the Moon has been poured down upon the cloud, its (the cloud's) dark face has been transfigured by the Moon.
  • نور مه بر ابر چون منزل شدست  ** روی تاریکش ز مه مبدل شدست