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  • The highest success belongs permanently to him who does not take the bait and sees (the danger of) imprisonment in the trap.
  • اول صف بر کسی ماندم به کام  ** کو نگیرد دانه بیند بند دام 
  • How excellent are two noble end-discerning eyes that preserve the body from corruption!
  • حبذا دو چشم پایان بین راد  ** که نگه دارند تن را از فساد 
  • That (foresight) was (derived) from the vision of the end that was seen by Ahmad (Mohammed), who even here (in the present life) saw Hell, hair by hair,
  • آن ز پایان‌دید احمد بود کو  ** دید دوزخ را همین‌جا مو به مو 
  • And saw the Throne (of God) and the Footstool and the Gardens (of Paradise), so that he rent the veil of (our) forgetfulnesses.
  • دید عرش و کرسی و جنات را  ** تا درید او پرده‌ی غفلات را 
  • If you desire to be safe from harm, close your eye to the beginning and contemplate the end, 1360
  • گر همی‌خواهی سلامت از ضرر  ** چشم ز اول بند و پایان را نگر 
  • That you may regard all (apparent) nonentities as (really) existent and look upon (all) entities, (so far as they are) perceived by the senses, as of low degree.
  • تا عدمها ار ببینی جمله هست  ** هستها را بنگری محسوس پست 
  • At least consider this, that every one who possesses reason is daily and nightly in quest of the (relatively) non-existent.
  • این ببین باری که هر کش عقل هست  ** روز و شب در جست و جوی نیستست 
  • In begging, he seeks a munificence that is not in being; in the shops he seeks a profit that is not in being.
  • در گدایی طالب جودی که نیست  ** بر دکانها طالب سودی که نیست 
  • In the cornfields he seeks an income (crop) that is not in being; in the plantations he seeks a date-palm that is not in being.
  • در مزارع طالب دخلی که نیست  ** در مغارس طالب نخلی که نیست 
  • In the colleges he seeks a knowledge that is not in being; in the Christian monasteries he seeks a morality that is not in being. 1365
  • در مدارس طالب علمی که نیست  ** در صوامع طالب حلمی که نیست