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  • The seals which the (former) prophets left were removed by the religion of Ahmad (Mohammed). 165
  • ختمهایی که انبیا بگذاشتند  ** آن بدین احمدی برداشتند 
  • The unopened locks had remained (as they were): they were opened by the hand of Lo, We have opened (unto thee).
  • قفلهای ناگشاده مانده بود  ** از کف انا فتحنا برگشود 
  • He is the intercessor in this world and in yonder world—in this world (for guidance) to the (true) religion, and yonder (for entrance) to Paradise.
  • او شفیع است این جهان و آن جهان  ** این جهان زی دین و آنجا زی جنان 
  • In this world he says, “Do Thou show unto them the Way,” and in yonder world he says, “Do Thou show unto them the Moon.”
  • این جهان گوید که تو رهشان نما  ** وآن جهان گوید که تو مهشان نما 
  • It was his custom in public and in private (to say), “Guide my people: verily they know not.”
  • پیشه‌اش اندر ظهور و در کمون  ** اهد قومی انهم لا یعلمون 
  • By his breath (powerful intercession) both the Gates were opened: in both worlds his prayer is answered. 170
  • باز گشته از دم او هر دو باب  ** در دو عالم دعوت او مستجاب 
  • He has become the Seal (of the prophets) for this reason that there never was any one like him in munificence nor ever shall be.
  • بهر این خاتم شدست او که به جود  ** مثل او نه بود و نه خواهند بود 
  • When a master surpasses (all others) in his craft, don't you say (to him), “The craft is sealed on thee”?
  • چونک در صنعت برد استاد دست  ** نه تو گویی ختم صنعت بر توست 
  • In the opening of seals thou (O Mohammed) art the Seal: in the world of the givers of spiritual life thou art the Hátim.
  • در گشاد ختمها تو خاتمی  ** در جهان روح‌بخشان حاتمی 
  • The purport (is this, that) the indications (esoteric teachings) of Mohammed are wholly revelation within revelation within revelation.
  • هست اشارات محمدالمراد  ** کل گشاد اندر گشاد اندر گشاد