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  • The limb of him who is free (detached from the world) is (like) a moist fresh bough: (if) you pull it in any direction, it is (easily) pulled.
  • عضو حر شاخ تر و تازه بود  ** می‌کشی هر سو کشیده می‌شود 
  • If you want a basket, you can make it (a basket); you can also make its neck a hoop;
  • گر سبد خواهی توانی کردنش  ** هم توانی کرد چنبر گردنش 
  • (But) when it has been sucked dry by the draining of (the sap from) its root, it does not come (readily) in the direction to which (your) command is pulling it.
  • چون شد آن ناشف ز نشف بیخ خود  ** ناید آن سویی که امرش می‌کشد 
  • Recite, then, from the Qur’án (the words) they stand up languidly, when the bough gets no medicinal (curative) treatment from its root.
  • پس بخوان قاموا کسالی از نبی  ** چون نیابد شاخ از بیخش طبی 
  • This symbol (allegory) is fiery, (but) I will cut it short and resume (the story of) the fakir and the treasure and the circumstances connected with it. 2235
  • آتشین است این نشان کوته کنم  ** بر فقیر و گنج و احوالش زنم 
  • You have seen the fire that burns every (dry) sapling; (now) see the fire of the Spirit by which phantasy is burnt.
  • آتشی دیدی که سوزد هر نهال  ** آتش جان بین کزو سوزد خیال 
  • Neither for phantasy nor for reality is there any protection against a fire like this which flamed forth from the Spirit.
  • نه خیال و نه حقیقت را امان  ** زین چنین آتش که شعله زد ز جان 
  • He is the adversary of every lion and every fox: everything is perishing except His Face.
  • خصم هر شیر آمد و هر روبه او  ** کل شیء هالک الا وجهه 
  • Go into His aspects (attributes) and Face (Essence), become spent (emptied of self): go in, become enveloped (suppressed), like the alif in bism.
  • در وجوه وجه او رو خرج شو  ** چون الف در بسم در رو درج شو 
  • In bism the alif has stayed hidden: it is in bism and also it is not in bism. 2240
  • آن الف در بسم پنهان کرد ایست  ** هست او در بسم و هم در بسم نیست