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  • If he had given an ocean of limpid water to a thirsty man, such was his generosity that he would be ashamed of (bestowing) that gift;
  • گر بدادی تشنه را بحری زلال  ** در کرم شرمنده بودی زان نوال 
  • And if he had made a mote (as full of splendour as) a place of sunrise, (even) that would (seem) to his lofty aspiration (to) be an unworthy action.
  • ور بکردی ذره‌ای را مشرقی  ** بودی آن در همتش نالایقی 
  • That poor stranger came (to Tabríz) in hope of him, for to poor strangers he was always (like) a kinsman and relative. 3020
  • بر امید او بیامد آن غریب  ** کو غریبان را بدی خویش و نسیب 
  • That poor stranger was familiar with his door and had paid innumerable debts from his bounty.
  • با درش بود آن غریب آموخته  ** وام بی‌حد از عطایش توخته 
  • In reliance upon that generous (patron) he ran into debt, for the (poor) man was confident of (receiving) his donations.
  • هم به پشت آن کریم او وام کرد  ** که ببخششهاش واثق بود مرد 
  • He had been made reckless by him (the Inspector) and eager to incur debts in hope of (being enriched by) that munificent sea.
  • لا ابالی گشته زو و وام‌جو  ** بر امید قلزم اکرام‌خو 
  • His creditors looked sour, while he was laughing happily, like the rose, on account of that garden (abode) of generous souls.
  • وام‌داران روترش او شادکام  ** هم‌چو گل خندان از آن روض الکرام 
  • (When) his (the Moslem's) back is warmed by the Sun of the Arabs, what does he care for the moustache (vain bluster) of Bú Lahab? 3025
  • گرم شد پشتش ز خورشید عرب  ** چه غمستش از سبال بولهب 
  • When he has a covenant and alliance with the rain-cloud, how should he grudge water to the water-carriers?
  • چونک دارد عهد و پیوند سحاب  ** کی دریغ آید ز سقایانش آب 
  • How should the magicians who were acquainted with God's Hand (Power) bestow (the name of) hands and feet upon these hands and feet?
  • ساحران واقف از دست خدا  ** کی نهند این دست و پا را دست و پا