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  • As (in the arithmetical method of) “the two errors,” the excellent (successful) calculation (only) becomes clear to him after two mistakes.
  • چون خطایین آن حساب با صفا  ** گرددش روشن ز بعد دو خطا 
  • After that, he says (to himself), “If I had known (the real nature of) this being with God, how should I have searched for Him?
  • بعد از آن گوید اگر دانستمی  ** این معیت را کی او را جستمی 
  • (But) the knowledge thereof depended on journeying: that knowledge is not to be gained by keenness of thought.”
  • دانش آن بود موقوف سفر  ** ناید آن دانش به تیزی فکر 
  • ’Tis just as the payment of the Shaykh's debts was contingent and dependent on the weeping of that (young) creature. 4185
  • آنچنان که وجه وام شیخ بود  ** بسته و موقوف گریه‌ی آن وجود 
  • (When) the confectioner's boy wept bitterly, the debts of the venerable Shaykh were discharged.
  • کودک حلواییی بگریست زار  ** توخته شد وام آن شیخ کبار 
  • That spiritual tale has already been related in the course of the Mathnawí.
  • گفته شد آن داستان معنوی  ** پیش ازین اندر خلال مثنوی 
  • He (God) puts in thy heart the fear of (losing) a certain position, in order that no other (position) may be an object of hope to thee.
  • در دلت خوف افکند از موضعی  ** تا نباشد غیر آنت مطمعی 
  • To thy hope (of gaining thy wish from that quarter) He attaches another advantage (beneficial result); but He grants thee thy wish from (the hands of) some one else.
  • در طمع فایده‌ی دیگر نهد  ** وآن مرادت از کسی دیگر دهد 
  • O thou who hast fixed thy hopes firmly on one quarter, saying, “The fruit will come to me from that lofty tree,” 4190
  • ای طمع در بسته در یک جای سخت  ** که آیدم میوه از آن عالی‌درخت 
  • Thy hope will not be fulfilled from there; nay, the bounty will come from another place.
  • آن طمع زان جا نخواهد شد وفا  ** بل ز جای دیگر آید آن عطا