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  • Amputate the snake-bitten finger to prevent (worse) mischief: keep in view the infection and (consequent) destruction of the (whole) body.
  • اصبع ملدوغ بر در دفع شر  ** در تعدی و هلاک تن نگر 
  • In those days, as it happened, the thieves, both expert and unskilled, had become numerous.
  • اتفاقا اندر آن ایام دزد  ** گشته بود انبوه پخته و خام دزد 
  • He (the night-patrol) saw him (in the street) at such a time and gave him a sound drubbing and blows without number. 4265
  • در چنین وقتش بدید و سخت زد  ** چوب‌ها و زخمهای بی‌عدد 
  • Shrieks and cries for mercy arose from the poor wretch: “Don't strike! let me tell the truth about it all!”
  • نعره و فریاد زان درویش خاست  ** که مزن تا من بگویم حال راست 
  • He replied, “Look now, I will give you time: speak, that I may learn how you came out into the streets by night.
  • گفت اینک دادمت مهلت بگو  ** تا به شب چون آمدی بیرون به کو 
  • You do not belong to this place, you are a stranger and unknown (to me): tell me truly what you are plotting (here).
  • تو نه‌ای زینجا غریب و منکری  ** راستی گو تا بچه مکر اندری 
  • The government officials have attacked the police, asking why there is now such a great number of thieves (in the city).
  • اهل دیوان بر عسس طعنه زدند  ** که چرا دزدان کنون انبه شدند 
  • It is owing to you and the likes of you that they are so numerous: first disclose (the names of) your wicked associates; 4270
  • انبهی از تست و از امثال تست  ** وا نما یاران زشتت را نخست 
  • Otherwise I will exact from you the vengeance incurred by all of them, in order that every respectable person's money may be safe.”
  • ورنه کین جمله را از تو کشم  ** تا شود آمن زر هر محتشم 
  • After taking many oaths he replied, “I am not a housebreaker or cutpurse.
  • گفت او از بعد سوگندان پر  ** که نیم من خانه‌سوز و کیسه‌بر