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  • She by whose beauteous face man was enslaved, how will it be when she begins to play the (humble) slave?
  • آن که بنده‌‌ی روی خوبش بود مرد ** چون بود چون بندگی آغاز کرد
  • She at whose haughtiness thy heart is trembling, how wilt thou fare when she falls a-weeping before thee?
  • آن که از کبرش دلت لرزان بود ** چون شوی چون پیش تو گریان شود
  • She from whose disdain thy heart and soul are bleeding, how will it be when she turns to entreaty?
  • آن که از نازش دل و جان خون بود ** چون که آید در نیاز او چون بود
  • She in whose tyranny and cruelty we are snared, what plea shall we have when she rises to plead?
  • آن که در جور و جفایش دام ماست ** عذر ما چه بود چو او در عذر خاست‌‌
  • (The love of desired things, women, etc.) is decked out for men (made attractive to them): God has arranged it: how can they escape from what God has arranged? 2425
  • زين للناس حق آراسته ست ** ز آن چه حق آراست چون دانند جست‌‌
  • Inasmuch as He created her (the woman) that he (Adam) might take comfort in her, how can Adam be parted from Eve?
  • چون پی یسکن الیهاش آفرید ** کی تواند آدم از حوا برید
  • Though he (the husband) be Rustam son of Zál and greater than Hamza (in valour), as regards authority he is his old woman's (his wife's) captive.
  • رستم زال ار بود وز حمزه بیش ** هست در فرمان اسیر زال خویش‌‌
  • He (the Prophet), by whose words the (whole) world was intoxicated, used to cry, “Speak to me, O Humayrá!”
  • آن که عالم مست گفتش آمدی ** کلمینی یا حمیراء می‌‌زدی‌‌
  • The water prevailed over (extinguished) the fire by its dread onset, (but) the fire makes it seethe when it (the water) is screened (hidden in the cauldron).
  • آب غالب شد بر آتش از نهیب ** آتشش جوشد چو باشد در حجاب‌‌
  • When a cauldron comes between them both, it (the fire) annihilates the water and converts it into air. 2430
  • چون که دیگی حایل آید هر دو را ** نیست کرد آن آب را کردش هوا
  • If outwardly thou art dominating thy wife, like the (fire-quenching) water, (yet) inwardly thou art dominated and art seeking (the love of) thy wife.
  • ظاهرا بر زن چو آب ار غالبی ** باطنا مغلوب و زن را طالبی‌‌
  • This is characteristic of Man (alone): to the (other) animals love is wanting, and that (want of love) arises from (their) inferiority (to Man).
  • این چنین خاصیتی در آدمی است ** مهر حیوان را کم است آن از کمی است‌‌
  • Explanation of the Tradition, “Verily, they (women) prevail over the wise man, and the ignorant man prevails over them.”
  • در بیان این خبر که انهن یغلبن العاقل و یغلبهن الجاهل‌‌
  • The Prophet said that woman prevails exceedingly over the wise and intelligent,
  • گفت پیغمبر که زن بر عاقلان ** غالب آید سخت و بر صاحب دلان‌‌
  • (While), on the other hand, ignorant men prevail over woman, because they are fierce and very impudent in their behaviour.
  • باز بر زن جاهلان چیره شوند ** ز آن که ایشان تند و بس خیره روند
  • They lack tenderness, kindness, and affection, because animality predominates over their (human) nature. 2435
  • کم بودشان رقت و لطف و وداد ** ز آن که حیوانی است غالب بر نهاد
  • Love and tenderness are human qualities, anger and lust are animal qualities.
  • مهر و رقت وصف انسانی بود ** خشم و شهوت وصف حیوانی بود
  • She (woman) is a ray of God, she is not that (earthly) beloved: she is creative, you might say she is not created.
  • پرتو حق است آن معشوق نیست ** خالق است آن گوییا مخلوق نیست‌‌
  • How the man yielded to his wife's request that he should seek the means of livelihood, and regarded her opposition (to him) as a Divine indication. (Verse): To the mind of every knowing man it is a fact that with the revolving object there is one that causes it to revolve.
  • تسلیم کردن مرد خود را به آن چه التماس زن بود از طلب معیشت و آن اعتراض زن را اشارت حق دانستن: بنزد عقل هر داننده‌‌ای هست که با گردنده گرداننده‌‌ای هست‌‌
  • The man became as sorry for that speech (of his) as at the hour of death a tyrannical officer (is sorry) for his tyranny.
  • مرد ز آن گفتن پشیمان شد چنان ** کز عوانی ساعت مردن عوان‌‌
  • He said, “How did I become the adversary of (her who is) the life of my soul? How did I bestow kicks on the head of my soul?”
  • گفت خصم جان جان چون آمدم ** بر سر جان من لگدها چون زدم‌‌
  • When the (Divine) destiny comes, it muffles the sight, so that our intellect cannot distinguish foot from head. 2440
  • چون قضا آید فرو پوشد بصر ** تا نداند عقل ما پا را ز سر
  • As soon as the destiny is past, it (the intellect) devours itself (with grief): rending the veil (without regard for appearances), it tears its bosom.
  • چون قضا بگذشت خود را می‌‌خورد ** پرده بدریده گریبان می‌‌درد
  • The man said, “O wife, I am repenting: if I have been an infidel, I will (now) become a Moslem.
  • مرد گفت ای زن پشیمان می‌‌شوم ** گر بدم کافر مسلمان می‌‌شوم‌‌
  • I am a sinner against thee: have mercy, do not dig me up all at once from root and foundation (do not bring me to utter ruin).”
  • من گنه‌‌کارم توام رحمی بکن ** بر مکن یک بارگیم از بیخ و بن‌‌
  • If the old infidel is repenting, he becomes a Moslem when he pleads for pardon.
  • کافر پیر ار پشیمان می‌‌شود ** چون که عذر آرد مسلمان می‌‌شود
  • He (God) is the merciful and bountiful Lord: both existence and non-existence are in love with Him. 2445
  • حضرت پر رحمت است و پر کرم ** عاشق او هم وجود و هم عدم‌‌