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  • On the first day your faces will be like saffron, on the second your faces will be red like arghawán (flowers of the Judas-tree).
  • روز اول رویتان چون زعفران ** در دوم رو سرخ همچون ارغوان‌‌
  • On the third, all your faces will become black: after that, the vengeance of God will arrive.
  • در سوم گردد همه روها سیاه ** بعد از آن اندر رسد قهر اله‌‌
  • If ye desire from me the sign of this threatened chastisement, the she-camel's foal has run towards the mountains:
  • گر نشان خواهید از من زین وعید ** کره‌‌ی ناقه به سوی که دوید
  • If ye can catch him, there is help (for you); else the bird of hope hath surely escaped from the snare.”
  • گر توانیدش گرفتن چاره هست ** ور نه خود مرغ امید از دام جست‌‌
  • None was able to overtake the foal: he went into the mountains and vanished. 2530
  • کس نتانست اندر آن کره رسید ** رفت در کهسارها شد ناپدید
  • Sálih said, “Ye see, the (Divine) destiny has been divulged and has beheaded the phantom of your hope.”
  • گفت دیدید آن قضا مبرم شده ست ** صورت اومید را گردن زده ست‌‌
  • What is the she-camel's foal? His (the saint's) heart, which ye may bring back to its place (win again) by means of well-doing and piety.
  • کره‌‌ی ناقه چه باشد خاطرش ** که بجا آرید ز احسان و برش‌‌
  • If his heart comes back (is reconciled), ye are saved from that (Divine punishment); otherwise ye are despairing and biting your fore-arms (in remorse).
  • گر بجا آید دلش رستید از آن ** ور نه نومیدید و ساعد را گزان‌‌
  • When they heard this dark threat, they cast down their eyes and waited for it (to be fulfilled).
  • چون شنیدند این وعید منکدر ** چشم بنهادند و آن را منتظر
  • On the first day they saw their faces yellow: from despair they were sighing heavily. 2535
  • روز اول روی خود دیدند زرد ** می‌‌زدند از ناامیدی آه سرد
  • On the second day the faces of all became red: the time for hope and repentance was (irretrievably) lost.
  • سرخ شد روی همه روز دوم ** نوبت اومید و توبه گشت گم‌‌
  • On the third day all their faces became black: the prediction of Sálih came true without (possibility of) dispute.
  • شد سیه روز سوم روی همه ** حکم صالح راست شد بی‌‌ملحمه‌‌
  • When they all gave themselves up to despair, they fell on their knees, like (crouching) birds.
  • چون همه در ناامیدی سر زدند ** همچو مرغان در دو زانو آمدند
  • Gabriel, the trusted (angel), brought in the Qur’án the description of this kneeling, (which is described by the word) játhimín.
  • در نبی آورد جبریل امین ** شرح این زانو زدن را جاثمین‌‌
  • Do thou kneel at the time when they (the saints) are teaching thee and bidding thee dread such a kneeling as this. 2540
  • زانو آن دم زن که تعلیمت کنند ** وز چنین زانو زدن بیمت کنند
  • They (the people of Thamúd) were waiting for the stroke of vengeance: the vengeance came and annihilated that town.
  • منتظر گشتند زخم قهر را ** قهر آمد نیست کرد آن شهر را
  • Sálih went from his solitude to the town: he beheld the town amidst (wrapt in) smoke and naphtha.
  • صالح از خکوت بسوی شهر رفت ** شهر دید اندر میان دود و نفت
  • He heard (the sound of) wailing from their limbs: the lamentation was plain (to hear), those who uttered it (were) invisible.
  • ناله از اجزای ایشان می‌‌شنید ** نوحه پیدا نوحه گویان ناپدید
  • He heard wailings from their bones: their spirits shedding tears, like hailstones.
  • ز استخوانهاشان شنید او ناله‌‌ها ** اشک ریز از جانشان چون ژاله‌‌ها
  • Sálih heard that and set to weeping: he began to lament for them that made lamentation. 2545
  • صالح آن بشنید و گریه ساز کرد ** نوحه بر نوحه گران آغاز کرد
  • He said, “O people that lived in vanity, and on account of you I wept before God!
  • گفت ای قومی به باطل زیسته ** وز شما من پیش حق بگریسته‌‌
  • God said (to me), ‘Have patience with their iniquity: give them counsel, not much remains of their (allotted) period.’
  • حق بگفته صبر کن بر جورشان ** پندشان ده بس نماند از دورشان‌‌
  • I said, ‘Counsel is barred by ill-treatment: the milk of counsel gushes forth from love and joy.
  • من بگفته پند شد بند از جفا ** شیر پند از مهر جوشد وز صفا
  • Much ill-treatment have ye bestowed on me, (so that) the milk of counsel is curdled in my veins.’
  • بس که کردید از جفا بر جای من ** شیر پند افسرد در رگهای من‌‌
  • God said to me, ‘I will give thee a boon, I will lay a plaster on those wounds (of thine).’ 2550
  • حق مرا گفته ترا لطفی دهم ** بر سر آن زخمها مرهم نهم‌‌