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  • The reflexion of every image shines unto everlasting from the heart alone, both with plurality and without. 3490
  • عکس هر نقشی نتابد تا ابد ** جز ز دل هم با عدد هم بی‌‌عدد
  • Unto everlasting every new image that falls on it (the heart) is appearing therein without any veil.
  • تا ابد هر نقش نو کاید بر او ** می‌‌نماید بی‌‌حجابی اندر او
  • They that burnish (their hearts) have escaped from (mere) scent and colour: they behold Beauty at every moment without tarrying.
  • اهل صیقل رسته‌‌اند از بوی و رنگ ** هر دمی بینند خوبی بی‌‌درنگ‌‌
  • They have relinquished the form and husk of knowledge, they have raised the banner of the eye of certainty.
  • نقش و قشر علم را بگذاشتند ** رایت عین الیقین افراشتند
  • Thought is gone, and they have gained light: they have gained the throat (core and essence) and the sea (ultimate source) of gnosis.
  • رفت فکر و روشنایی یافتند ** نحر و بحر آشنایی یافتند
  • Death, of which all these (others) are sore afraid, this people (the perfect Súfís) are holding in derision. 3495
  • مرگ کاین جمله از او در وحشت‌‌اند ** می‌‌کنند این قوم بر وی ریشخند
  • None gains the victory over their hearts: the hurt falls on the oyster-shell, not on the pearl.
  • کس نیابد بر دل ایشان ظفر ** بر صدف آید ضرر نی بر گهر
  • Though they have let go grammar (nahw) and jurisprudence (fiqh), yet they have taken up (instead) the (mystical) self-effacement of (spiritual) poverty (faqr).
  • گر چه نحو و فقه را بگذاشتند ** لیک محو و فقر را برداشتند
  • Ever since the forms of the Eight Paradises have shone forth, they have found the tablets of their (the Súfís') hearts receptive.
  • تا نقوش هشت جنت تافته ست ** لوح دلشان را پذیرا یافته ست‌‌
  • They who dwell in God's seat of truth are higher than the Throne and the Footstool and the Void.
  • برترند از عرش و کرسی و خلا ** ساکنان مقعد صدق خدا
  • How the Prophet, on whom be peace, asked Zayd, “How art thou to-day and in what state hast thou risen?” and how Zayd answered him, saying, “This morning I am a true believer, O Messenger of Allah.”
  • پرسیدن پیغامبر علیه السلام مر زید را امروز چونی و چون برخاستی و جواب گفتن او که اصبحت مومنا یا رسول الله‌‌
  • One morning the Prophet said to Zayd, “How art thou this morning, O sincere comrade?” 3500
  • گفت پیغمبر صباحی زید را ** کیف اصبحت ای رفیق با صفا
  • He replied, “(This morning I am) a faithful servant of God.” Again he (the Prophet) said to him, “Where is thy token from the garden of Faith, if it has bloomed?”
  • گفت عبدا مومنا باز اوش گفت ** کو نشان از باغ ایمان گر شگفت‌‌
  • He said, “I have been athirst in the daytime, at night I have not slept because of love and burning griefs,
  • گفت تشنه بوده‌‌ام من روزها ** شب نخفته ستم ز عشق و سوزها
  • So that I passed through (and beyond) day and night, as the point of the spear passes through the shield;
  • تا ز روز و شب گذر کردم چنان ** که از اسپر بگذرد نوک سنان‌‌
  • For beyond (the realm of contraries) all religion is one: hundreds of thousands of years are the same as a single hour.
  • که از آن سو جمله‌‌ی ملت یکی ست ** صد هزاران سال و یک ساعت یکی ست‌‌
  • Eternity and everlastingness are unified (yonder): the understanding hath no way thither by means of inquiry.” 3505
  • هست ازل را و ابد را اتحاد ** عقل را ره نیست آن سو ز افتقاد
  • The Prophet said, “Where is the traveller's gift (that thou hast brought home) from this journey? Produce (a gift) suitable to the understanding of (intelligible to) the minds of this country (the phenomenal world).”
  • گفت از این ره کو رهاوردی بیار ** در خور فهم و عقول این دیار
  • Zayd said, “When (other) people see the sky, I behold the Empyrean with those who dwell there.
  • گفت خلقان چون ببینند آسمان ** من ببینم عرش را با عرشیان‌‌
  • The Eight Paradises and the Seven Hells are as visible to me as the idol to the idolater.
  • هشت جنت هفت دوزخ پیش من ** هست پیدا همچو بت پیش شمن‌‌
  • I am distinguishing the people (here), one by one, like wheat from barley in the mill,
  • یک به یک وامی‌‌شناسم خلق را ** همچو گندم من ز جو در آسیا
  • So that who is for Paradise and who shall be a stranger (to Paradise) is as clear to me as (the difference between) snake and fish.” 3510
  • که بهشتی کیست و بیگانه کی است ** پیش من پیدا چو مار و ماهی است‌‌
  • At the present time there hath been made manifest to this (illumined) class of men (what shall come to pass) on the Day when faces shall become white or black.
  • این زمان پیدا شده بر این گروه ** یوم تبیض و تسود وجوه‌‌
  • Before this (birth), however sinful the spirit was, it was in the womb (of the body) and was hidden from the people.
  • پیش از این هر چند جان پر عیب بود ** در رحم بود و ز خلقان غیب بود
  • The damned are they that are damned in the mother's womb: their state is known from the bodily marks.
  • الشقی من شقی فی بطن الام ** من سمات الجسم یعرف حالهم‌‌
  • The body, like a mother, is big with the spirit-child: death is the pangs and throes of birth.
  • تن چو مادر طفل جان را حامله ** مرگ درد زادن است و زلزله‌‌