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  • Hair by hair, speck by speck, they were recognising the deceitfulness of the fleshly soul as (plainly as the difference of) the rose from parsley.
  • مو به مو و ذره ذره مکر نفس ** می‌‌شناسیدند چون گل از کرفس‌‌
  • Even the hair-splitters (the most scrupulous) of the Companions used to become distraught in spirit at the (Prophet's) admonition to them (the inquirers). 370
  • موشکافان صحابه هم در آن ** وعظ ایشان خیره گشتندی به جان‌‌
  • How the Christians followed the vizier.
  • متابعت نصارا وزیر را
  • The Christians all gave their hearts to him: what (how great), indeed, is the strength of the (blind) conformity of the vulgar!
  • دل بدو دادند ترسایان تمام ** خود چه باشد قوت تقلید عام‌‌
  • They planted love of him within their breasts, they were regarding him as the vicar of Jesus.
  • در درون سینه مهرش کاشتند ** نایب عیساش می‌‌پنداشتند
  • He inwardly (in reality) was the accursed one-eyed Antichrist. O God, do Thou (hear and) answer the cry (of those in trouble) —what a good helper art Thou!
  • او به سر دجال یک چشم لعین ** ای خدا فریادرس نعم المعین‌‌
  • O God, there are myriads of snares and baits, and we are as greedy foodless birds.
  • صد هزاران دام و دانه ست ای خدا ** ما چو مرغان حریص بی‌‌نوا
  • From moment to moment we are caught in a fresh snare, though we become, each one, (like) a falcon or a Símurgh. 375
  • دم‌‌به‌‌دم ما بسته‌‌ی دام نویم ** هر یکی گر باز و سیمرغی شویم‌‌
  • Every moment Thou art delivering us, and again we are going to a snare, O Thou who art without want!
  • می‌‌رهانی هر دمی ما را و باز ** سوی دامی می‌‌رویم ای بی‌‌نیاز
  • We are putting corn in this barn, (and then) we are losing the corn that has been garnered.
  • ما در این انبار گندم می‌‌کنیم ** گندم جمع آمده گم می‌‌کنیم‌‌
  • (Why), after all, do not we consider with intelligent mind that this damage to the corn arises from the deceitfulness of the mouse?
  • می‌‌نیندیشیم آخر ما به هوش ** کین خلل در گندم است از مکر موش‌‌
  • Since the mouse has made a hole in our barn, and our barn has been ravaged by its guile,
  • موش تا انبار ما حفره زده ست ** وز فنش انبار ما ویران شده ست‌‌
  • O soul, in the first place avert the mischief of the mouse, and then show fervour (zeal) in garnering the corn. 380
  • اول ای جان دفع شر موش کن ** وانگهان در جمع گندم جوش کن‌‌
  • Hear (one) of the sayings related from the Chiefest of the Chief (the Prophet): “No prayer is complete without ‘presence’ (concentration of the mind on God).”
  • بشنو از اخبار آن صدر الصدور ** لا صلاة تم الا بالحضور
  • If there is no thievish mouse in our barn, where is the corn of forty years' works (of devotion)?
  • گر نه موشی دزد در انبار ماست ** گندم اعمال چل ساله کجاست‌‌
  • Why is the daily sincerity (of our devotions) not being stored, bit by bit, in this barn of ours?
  • ریزه ریزه صدق هر روزه چرا ** جمع می‌‌ناید در این انبار ما
  • Many a star (spark) of fire shot forth from the iron (of good works), and that burning heart received (it) and drew (it) in;
  • بس ستاره‌‌ی آتش از آهن جهید ** و ان دل سوزیده پذرفت و کشید
  • But in the darkness a hidden thief is laying his finger upon the stars, 385
  • لیک در ظلمت یکی دزدی نهان ** می‌‌نهد انگشت بر استارگان‌‌
  • Extinguishing the stars one by one, that no lamp may shine from the (spiritual) sky.
  • می‌‌کشد استارگان را یک به یک ** تا که نفروزد چراغی از فلک‌‌
  • Though there be thousands of snares at our feet, when Thou art with us there is not any trouble.
  • گر هزاران دام باشد در قدم ** چون تو با مایی نباشد هیچ غم‌‌
  • Every night Thou freest the spirits from the body's snare, and dost erase (the impressions on) the tablets (of the mind).
  • هر شبی از دام تن ارواح را ** می‌‌رهانی می‌‌کنی الواح را
  • The spirits are set free every night from this cage, independent, neither ruling nor ruled by anyone.
  • می‌‌رهند ارواح هر شب زین قفس ** فارغان، نه حاکم و محکوم کس‌‌
  • At night prisoners are unconscious of their prison, at night governors are unconscious of their power. 390
  • شب ز زندان بی‌‌خبر زندانیان ** شب ز دولت بی‌‌خبر سلطانیان‌‌
  • There is no sorrow, no thought of gain or loss, no fancy of this person or that person.
  • نه غم و اندیشه‌‌ی سود و زیان ** نه خیال این فلان و آن فلان‌‌
  • This is the state of the ‘árif (gnostic), even without sleep: God said, (Thou wouldst deem them awake) whilst they slept. Shy not at this.
  • حال عارف این بود بی‌‌خواب هم ** گفت ایزد هم رقود زین مرم‌‌
  • He is asleep, day and night, to the affairs of the world, like a pen in the hand of the Lord's control.
  • خفته از احوال دنیا روز و شب ** چون قلم در پنجه‌‌ی تقلیب رب‌‌