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  • (If) the intellect is paired with another intellect, light increases and the way becomes plain;
  • عقل با عقل دگر دو تا شود ** نور افزون گشت و ره پیدا شود
  • (But if) the fleshly soul makes merry with another fleshly soul, darkness increases, the way becomes hidden.
  • نفس با نفس دگر خندان شود ** ظلمت افزون گشت و ره پنهان شود
  • The friend is thine eye, O huntsman: keep him pure from (unsoiled by) sticks and straws.
  • یار چشم تست ای مرد شکار ** از خس و خاشاک او را پاک دار
  • Beware! Do not make a dust with thy tongue's broom, do not make a present of rubbish to thine eye.
  • هین به جاروب زبان گردی مکن ** چشم را از خس ره آوردی مکن‏
  • Since the true believer is a mirror for the true believer, his face is safe from defilement. 30
  • چون که مومن آینه‏ی مومن بود ** روی او ز آلودگی ایمن بود
  • The friend is a mirror for the soul in sorrow: breathe not on the face of the mirror, O my soul!
  • یار آیینه ست جان را در حزن ** در رخ آیینه‏ای جان دم مزن‏
  • Lest it cover its face to (conceal itself from) thee at once, thou must swallow (suppress) thy breath at every moment.
  • تا نپوشد روی خود را در دمت ** دم فرو خوردن بباید هر دمت‏
  • Art thou less than earth? When a plot of earth finds a friend, that is, a springtide, it finds (gains) a hundred thousand flowers.
  • کم ز خاکی چون که خاکی یار یافت ** از بهاری صد هزار انوار یافت‏
  • The tree that is united with a friend, that is, the sweet air (of spring), blossoms from head to foot;
  • آن درختی کاو شود با یار جفت ** از هوای خوش ز سر تا پا شکفت‏
  • In autumn, when it sees (meets with) a repugnant companion, it withdraws its face and head under the coverlet 35
  • در خزان چون دید او یار خلاف ** در کشید او رو و سر زیر لحاف‏
  • And says, “A bad comrade is (the means of) stirring up trouble: since he has come, my (best) course is to sleep.
  • گفت یار بد بلا آشفتن است ** چون که او آمد طریقم خفتن است‏
  • Therefore I will sleep, I will be (like) one of the Men of the Cave (the Seven Sleepers): that prisoner of woe (that sorely distressed one) is better than Decianus.”
  • پس بخسپم باشم اصحاب کهف ** به ز دقیانوس آن محبوس لهف
  • Their time of waking was expended by (was at the disposal of) Decianus; their sleep was the capital (fundamental source) of their renown.
  • یقظه شان مصروف دقیانوس بود ** خوابشان سرمایه‏ی ناموس بود
  • Sleep, when it is accompanied by wisdom, is (spiritual) wakefulness; (but) alas for the man awake who consorts with the ignorant!
  • خواب بیداری ست چون با دانش است ** وای بیداری که با نادان نشست‏
  • When the crows pitch their tents on Bahman (January), the nightingales hide themselves and are mute, 40
  • چون که زاغان خیمه بر بهمن زدند ** بلبلان پنهان شدند و تن زدند
  • Because the nightingale is silent without the rose-garden: the absence of the sun kills (the nightingale's) wakefulness.
  • ز آنکه بی‏گل‏زار بلبل خامش است ** غیبت خورشید بیداری کش است‏
  • O sun, thou takest leave of this rose-garden (the earth) in order to illumine (the region) below the earth;
  • آفتابا ترک این گلشن کنی ** تا که تحت الارض را روشن کنی‏
  • (But) the Sun of Divine knowledge has no motion: its place of rising is naught but the spirit and the intellect;
  • آفتاب معرفت را نقل نیست ** مشرق او غیر جان و عقل نیست‏
  • Especially the perfect Sun which is of yonder (world of Reality): day and night its action is (giving) illumination.
  • خاصه خورشید کمالی کان سری ست ** روز و شب کردار او روشنگری ست‏
  • If thou art an Alexander, come to the Sun's rising-place: after that, wheresoever thou goest, thou art possessed of goodly splendour. 45
  • مطلع شمس آی گر اسکندری ** بعد از آن هر جا روی نیکوفری‏
  • After that, wheresoever thou goest, ’twill become the place of sunrise: (all) the places of sunrise will be in love with thy place of sunset.
  • بعد از آن هر جا روی مشرق شود ** شرقها بر مغربت عاشق شود
  • Thy bat-like senses are running towards the sunset; thy pearl-scattering senses are faring towards the sunrise.
  • حس خفاشت سوی مغرب دوان ** حس در پاشت سوی مشرق روان‏
  • The way of (physical) sense-perception is the way of asses, O rider: have shame, O thou that art jostling (vying) with asses!
  • راه حس راه خران است ای سوار ** ای خران را تو مزاحم شرم دار
  • Besides these five (physical) senses there are five (spiritual) senses: those (latter) are like red gold, while these (physical) senses are like copper.
  • پنج حسی هست جز این پنج حس ** آن چو زر سرخ و این حسها چو مس‏
  • In the bazaar where the people of the Last Congregation (on the Day of Judgment) are (purchasers), how should they buy the copper sense like (as though it were) the sense of gold? 50
  • اندر آن بازار کایشان ماهرند ** حس مس را چون حس زر کی خرند