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  • How lawful, O thou that hast become one of the lost? I deem nothing lawful but (to shed) thy blood.
  • چه حلال ای گشته از اهل ضلال ** غیر خون تو نمی‏بینم حلال‏
  • He can do without God, but not without food; he can do without the Religion, but not without the idols.
  • از خدا چاره‏ستش و از لوت نه ** چاره‏ش است از دین و از طاغوت نه‏
  • O thou that canst not refrain thy self from this vile world, how canst thou refrain thyself from Him who spread the earth as a carpet?
  • ای که صبرت نیست از دنیای دون ** صبر چون داری ز نعم الماهدون‏
  • O thou that canst not refrain thyself from delight and luxury, how canst thou refrain thyself from the Bountiful God? 3075
  • ای که صبرت نیست از ناز و نعیم ** صبر چون داری از الله کریم‏
  • O thou that canst not refrain thyself from aught pure or foul, how canst thou refrain thyself from Him who created this?
  • ای که صبرت نیست از پاک و پلید ** صبر چون داری از آن کاین آفرید
  • Where is (one like) the Friend (of God), who came forth from the cave (of idolatry), and said, “This is my Lord (as ye assert). Take heed! Where is the Maker (of all)?”—
  • کو خلیلی که برون آمد ز غار ** گفت هذا رب هان کو کردگار
  • (One who shall say), “I will not look at the two worlds until I see to whom these two assembly-places (really) belong.
  • من نخواهم در دو عالم بنگریست ** تا نبینم این دو مجلس آن کیست‏
  • If I eat bread without the view of God's attributes, it will stick in my throat.”
  • بی‏تماشای صفتهای خدا ** گر خورم نان در گلو ماند مرا
  • How should a morsel digest without the sight of Him, without the view of His roses and rose-garden? 3080
  • چون گوارد لقمه بی‏دیدار او ** بی‏تماشای گل و گلزار او
  • Save in hope of God, who but an ox or ass would for one moment partake of this food and drink?
  • جز بر امید خدا زین آب خور ** کی خورد یک لحظه الا گاو و خر
  • (Who but) he that was like the cattle, nay, more lost?—though (indeed) that stinkard is full of cunning.
  • آن که کالانعام بد بل هم اضل ** گر چه پر مکر است آن گنده بغل‏
  • His cunning went headlong (to ruin), and he went headlong: he passed a little while, and his day set.
  • مکر او سر زیر و او سر زیر شد ** روزگاری برد و روزش دیر شد
  • His brain became dull, his mind doting: his life is gone—and like (the letter) alif he hath nothing.
  • فکرگاهش کند شد عقلش خرف ** عمر شد چیزی ندارد چون الف‏
  • (As for) his saying, “I am thinking about it”—that too is only (part) of the deceit of the fleshly soul; 3085
  • آن چه می‏گوید در این اندیشه‏ام ** آن هم از دستان آن نفس است هم‏
  • And (as for) his saying, “He (God) is forgiving and merciful” —that is naught but a trick of the villainous flesh.
  • و انچه می‏گوید غفور است و رحیم ** نیست آن جز حیله‏ی نفس لئیم‏
  • O thou that art dead with anxiety because thy hands are empty of bread, what is this fear, since He is forgiving and merciful?
  • ای ز غم مرده که دست از نان تهی است ** چون غفور است و رحیم این ترس چیست‏
  • How an old man complained of his ailments to a doctor, and how the doctor answered him.
  • شکایت گفتن پیر مردی به طبیب از رنجوریها و جواب گفتن طبیب او را
  • An old man said to a doctor, “I am in torment because of my brain.”
  • گفت پیری مر طبیبی را که من ** در زحیرم از دماغ خویشتن‏
  • The doctor replied, “That weakness of brain is from age.” Said the old man, “There are spots of darkness on my eyes.”
  • گفت از پیری است آن ضعف دماغ ** گفت بر چشمم ز ظلمت هست داغ‏
  • “It is from age, O ancient Shaykh,” said the doctor. “Awful pain comes in my back,” said he. 3090
  • گفت از پیری است ای شیخ قدیم ** گفت پشتم درد می‏آید عظیم‏
  • “It is from age, O emaciated Shaykh” said the doctor. “Whatever I eat,” said he, “is not digested.”
  • گفت از پیری است ای شیخ نزار ** گفت هر چه می‏خورم نبود گوار
  • The doctor replied, “Weakness of stomach also is (the result) of age.” Said he, “When I breathe, respiration is hard for me.”
  • گفت ضعف معده هم از پیری است ** گفت وقت دم مرا دم گیری است‏
  • “Yes,” he said, “it is asthma*; when old age arrives, two hundred diseases come on.”
  • گفت آری انقطاع دم بود ** چون رسد پیری دو صد علت شود
  • “O fool,” he exclaimed, “you have stuck at this: this is all that you have learned of medicine.
  • گفت ای احمق بر این بر دوختی ** از طبیبی تو همین آموختی‏
  • O crack-brained man, your intellect has not given you this knowledge, that God hath appointed a remedy for every pain. 3095
  • ای مدمغ عقلت این دانش نداد ** که خدا هر رنج را درمان نهاد
  • You, stupid ass, from poorness of ability have remained (fallen) on the ground for want of a sufficient foothold.”
  • تو خر احمق ز اندک مایگی ** بر زمین ماندی ز کوته‏پایگی‏