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  • In whatsoever region there was a renowned magician, he set flying towards him ten active couriers. 1160
  • هر طرف که ساحری بد نامدار ** کرد پران سوی او ده پیک کار
  • There were two youths, famous magicians: their magic penetrated into the heart of the moon.
  • دو جوان بودند ساحر مشتهر ** سحر ایشان در دل مه مستمر
  • They milked the moon publicly and openly; in their journeys they went mounted on a wine-jar.
  • شیر دوشیده ز مه فاش آشکار ** در سفرها رفته بر خمی سوار
  • They caused the moonshine to appear like a piece of linen: they measured and sold it speedily,
  • شکل کرباسی نموده ماهتاب ** آن بپیموده فروشیده شتاب
  • And took the silver away: the purchaser, on becoming aware (of the fraud), would smite his hand upon his cheeks in grief.
  • سیم برده مشتری آگه شده ** دست از حسرت به رخها بر زده
  • They were the inventors of a hundred thousand such (tricks) in sorcery, and were not (following others) like the rhyme-letter. 1165
  • صد هزاران همچنین در جادوی ** بوده منشی و نبوده چون روی
  • When the King's message reached them, (to this effect): “The king is now desiring help from you,
  • چون بدیشان آمد آن پیغام شاه ** کز شما شاهست اکنون چاره‌خواه
  • Because two dervishes have come and marched in force against the King and his palace.
  • از پی آنک دو درویش آمدند ** بر شه و بر قصر او موکب زدند
  • They have naught with them except one rod, which becomes a dragon at his (Moses') command.
  • نیست با ایشان بغیر یک عصا ** که همی‌گردد به امرش اژدها
  • The King and the whole army are helpless: all have been brought to lamentation by these two persons.
  • شاه و لشکر جمله بیچاره شدند ** زین دو کس جمله به افغان آمدند
  • A remedy must be sought in magic, that maybe thou wilt save (their) lives from these two enchanters—” 1170
  • چاره‌ای می‌باید اندر ساحری ** تا بود که زین دو ساحر جان بری
  • When he (the messenger) gave the message to those two magicians, a (great) fear and love descended on the hearts of them both.
  • آن دو ساحر را چو این پیغام داد ** ترس و مهری در دل هر دو فتاد
  • When the vein of homogeneity began to throb, they laid their heads upon their knees in astonishment.
  • عرق جنسیت چو جنبیدن گرفت ** سر به زانو بر نهادند از شگفت
  • Inasmuch as the knee is the Súfí's school, the two knees are sorcerers for solving a difficulty.
  • چون دبیرستان صوفی زانوست ** حل مشکل را دو زانو جادوست
  • How those two magicians summoned their father from the grave and questioned their father's spirit concerning the real nature of Moses, on whom be peace.
  • خواندن آن دو ساحر پدر را از گور و پرسیدن از روان پدر حقیقت موسی علیه السلام
  • Afterwards they said, “Come, O mother, where is our father's grave? Do thou show us the way.”
  • بعد از آن گفتند ای مادر بیا ** گور بابا کو تو ما را ره نما
  • She took them and showed the way to his grave: then they kept a three days' fast for the sake of the King. 1175
  • بردشان بر گور او بنمود راه ** پس سه‌روزه داشتند از بهر شاه
  • After that they said, “O father, the King in consternation hath sent us a message
  • بعد از آن گفتند ای بابا به ما ** شاه پیغامی فرستاد از وجا
  • (To say) that two men have brought him to sore straits and have destroyed his prestige with the army.
  • که دو مرد او را به تنگ آورده‌اند ** آب رویش پیش لشکر برده‌اند
  • There is not with them any weapons or soldiers; nothing but a rod, and in the rod is a calamity and bane.
  • نیست با ایشان سلاح و لشکری ** جز عصا و در عصا شور و شری
  • Thou art gone into the world of the righteous, though to outward seeming thou liest in a tomb.
  • تو جهان راستان در رفته‌ای ** گرچه در صورت به خاکی خفته‌ای
  • If that is magic, inform us; and if it be divine, O spirit of our father, 1180
  • آن اگر سحرست ما را ده خبر ** ور خدایی باشد ای جان پدر
  • (In that case) also inform us, so that we may bow down (before them) and bring ourselves in touch with an elixir.
  • هم خبر ده تا که ما سجده کنیم ** خویشتن بر کیمیایی بر زنیم
  • We are despairing, and a hope has come; we are banished, and Mercy has drawn us (towards favour).”
  • ناامیدانیم و اومیدی رسید ** راندگانیم و کرم ما را کشید
  • How the dead magician answered his sons.
  • جواب گفتن ساحر مرده با فرزندان خود
  • He said to them in (their) dream, "O my sons, it is not possible (to speak) openly: do not utter this (request)."
  • گفتشان در خواب کای اولاد من ** نیست ممکن ظاهر این را دم زدن
  • It is not permitted to me to speak openly and freely, yet the mystery is not far from mine eye.
  • فاش و مطلق گفتنم دستور نیست ** لیک راز از پیش چشمم دور نیست