- On this account He (God) hath commanded, saying, “Make the exception: attach (the words) ‘if God will’ to your promise.
- زین سبب فرمود استثنا کنید ** گر خدا خواهد به پیمان بر زنید
- Every instant I give to the heart a different desire, every moment I lay upon the heart a different brand.
- هر زمان دل را دگر میلی دهم ** هرنفس بر دل دگر داغی نهم
- At every dawn I have a new employment: nothing turns aside from that (course) which I have willed.” 1640
- کل اصباح لنا شان جدید ** کل شیء عن مرادی لا یحید
- It has come down in the Traditions (of the Prophet) that the heart is like a feather in a desert, the captive of a violent blast.
- در حدیث آمد که دل همچون پریست ** در بیابانی اسیر صرصریست
- The wind drives the feather recklessly in every direction, now left, now right, with a hundred diversities.
- باد پر را هر طرف راند گزاف ** گه چپ و گه راست با صد اختلاف
- In another Tradition (the Prophet said), “Deem this heart to be as water boiling in a cauldron from (the heat of) fire.”
- در حدیث دیگر این دل دان چنان ** کب جوشان ز آتش اندر قازغان
- At every time the heart has a different resolution: that (resolution) is not (derived) from it, but from a certain place.
- هر زمان دل را دگر رایی بود ** آن نه از وی لیک از جایی بود
- Why, then, will you trust in the heart’s resolution and make a covenant, that in the end you should be shamed? 1645
- پس چرا آمن شوی بر رای دل ** عهد بندی تا شوی آخر خجل
- This too is from the effect of the(Divine) ordinance and decree, (that) you see the pit and cannot take precaution.
- این هم از تاثیر حکمست و قدر ** چاه میبیینی و نتوانی حذر
- ‘Tis no wonder, indeed, for the flying bird not to see the snare (and so) fall into destruction;
- نیست خود ازمرغ پران این عجب ** که نبیند دام و افتد در عطب
- The wonder is that it should see both the snare and the net-pin and fall (into the snare) willy-nilly.
- این عجب که دام بیند هم وتد ** گر بخواهد ور نخواهد میفتد
- (With) eye open and ear open and the snare in front, it is flying towards a snare with its own wings.
- چشم باز و گوش باز و دام پیش ** سوی دامی میپرد با پر خویش
- A comparison (showing that) the bonds and snares of Destiny, though outwardly invisible, are manifest in their effects.
- تشبیه بند و دام قضا به صورت پنهان به اثر پیدا
- You may see a nobleman’s son in a tattered cloak, bareheaded, fallen into affliction. 1650
- بینی اندر دلق مهتر زادهای ** سر برهنه در بلا افتادهای
- (He is) consumed with passion for some ne’er-do-well, (he has) sold his furniture and properties.
- در هوای نابکاری سوخته ** اقمشه و املاک خود بفروخته
- His household (is) gone, (he has) become ill-famed and despised; he walks along like (one in) misfortune, to the joy of his foes.
- خان و مان رفته شده بدنام و خوار ** کام دشمن میرود ادبیروار
- (If) he sees an ascetic, he will say, “O venerable sir, bestow on me a benediction for God’s sake,
- زاهدی بیند بگوید ای کیا ** همتی میدار از بهر خدا
- For I have fallen into this ugly misfortune and have let wealth and gold and happiness go from my hand.
- کاندرین ادبار زشت افتادهام ** مال و زر و نعمت از کف دادهام
- (Give me) a benediction, so that maybe I shall be delivered from this (woe) and maybe escape from this dark clay. 1655
- همتی تا بوک من زین وا رهم ** زین گل تیره بود که بر جهم
- He is begging this prayer of high and low, crying, “Release and release and release!”
- این دعا میخواهد او از عام و خاص ** کالخلاص و الخلاص و الخلاص
- His hand is free and his foot free, and there is no chain, no custodian (standing) over him, no iron (gyve).
- دست باز و پای باز و بند نی ** نه موکل بر سرش نه آهنی
- From what chain art thou seeking release, and from what imprisonment art thou seeking to escape?
- از کدامین بند میجویی خلاص ** وز کدامین حبس میجویی مناص
- (From) the hidden chain of fore-ordainment and destiny, which none but the elect spirit may behold.
- بند تقدیر و قضای مختفی ** کی نبیند آن بجز جان صفی
- Though it is not visible, it is (there) in ambush; it is worse that prison and chains of iron, 1660
- گرچه پیدا نیست آن در مکمنست ** بتر از زندان و بند آهنست
- Because that (iron chain) the ironsmith may break, and the excavator may even dig up the bricks (foundations) of the prison;
- زانک آهنگر مر آن را بشکند ** حفره گر هم خشت زندان بر کند
- (But), O wonder, this heavy hidden chain the ironsmiths are powerless to shatter.
- ای عجب این بند پنهان گران ** عاجز از تکسیر آن آهنگران