- Thy mother's right (only) arose after that Bounteous One had made her indebted (to Him) for thy embryo. 325
- حق مادر بعد از آن شد کان کریم ** کرد او را از جنین تو غریم
- He bestowed on thee a form within her body, He gave ease to her during pregnancy and accustomed her (to the burden).
- صورتی کردت درون جسم او ** داد در حملش ورا آرام و خو
- She deemed thee as a part joined (to herself); His providence separated (from her) that which was joined.
- همچو جزو متصل دید او ترا ** متصل را کرد تدبیرش جدا
- God hath prepared thousands of artifices and contrivances, so that thy mother hath thrown (her) love upon thee.
- حق هزاران صنعت و فن ساختست ** تا که مادر بر تو مهر انداختست
- Therefore God's right is prior to (that of) the mother: whoever does not recognise that right is an ass.
- پس حق حق سابق از مادر بود ** هر که آن حق را نداند خر بود
- (If thou deny it), do not even admit that He created mother, teat, and milk, and united her with the father! 330
- آنک مادر آفرید و ضرع و شیر ** با پدر کردش قرین آن خود مگیر
- O Lord, O Thou whose beneficence is eternal, Thine is both that which I know and that which I know not.
- ای خداوند ای قدیم احسان تو ** آنک دانم وانک نه هم آن تو
- Thou didst command, saying, “Remember God, because My right shall never grow old.
- تو بفرمودی که حق را یاد کن ** زانک حق من نمیگردد کهن
- Remember the kindness which I did unto you that morn by protecting (you) in the ship (ark) of Noah.
- یاد کن لطفی که کردم آن صبوح ** با شما از حفظ در کشتی نوح
- At that time I gave to the stock of your fathers security from the Flood and from its waves.
- پیله بابایانتان را آن زمان ** دادم از طوفان و از موجش امان
- Water, like fire in (its deadly) nature, had covered the earth: its waves were sweeping away the highest peaks of the mountains. 335
- آب آتش خو زمین بگرفته بود ** موج او مر اوج که را میربود
- I protected you, I did not spurn you, in the bodies of the ancestors of the ancestors of your ancestors.
- حفظ کردم من نکردم ردتان ** در وجود جد جد جدتان
- Now that you have come to the head, how should I smite the sole of your foot? How should I let My workshop go to waste?
- چون شدی سر پشت پایت چون زنم ** کارگاه خویش ضایع چون کنم
- How are you becoming devoted to the unfaithful and going in that direction from ill thoughts (of Me)?
- چون فدای بیوفایان میشوی ** از گمان بد بدان سو میروی
- I am clear of negligence and infidelities, (yet) you come to Me and think evil.
- من ز سهو و بیوفاییها بری ** سوی من آیی گمان بد بری
- Think this evil thought against the place where you cringe before one like yourself. 340
- این گمان بد بر آنجا بر که تو ** میشوی در پیش همچون خود دوتو
- You got many powerful friends and companions: if I ask you, ‘Where (is so and- so)?’ you will say, ‘He is gone.’
- بس گرفتی یار و همراهان زفت ** گر ترا پرسم که کو گویی که زفت
- Your good friend is gone up to the highest Heaven, your wicked friend is gone to the bottom of the earth.
- یار نیکت رفت بر چرخ برین ** یار فسقت رفت در قعر زمین
- You are left in the middle (between them) so helpless (as you are), like a fire (left behind) from a caravan.”
- تو بماندی در میانه آنچنان ** بیمدد چون آتشی از کاروان
- O valiant friend, lay hold of the skirt of Him who is exempt from “above” and “below.”
- دامن او گیر ای یار دلیر ** کو منزه باشد از بالا و زیر
- Neither doth He ascend to Heaven, like Jesus, nor go (down) into the earth, like Qárún (Korah). 345
- نه چو عیسی سوی گردون بر شود ** نه چو قارون در زمین اندر رود
- He is with you in space and in the spaceless (world) when you leave house and shop behind.
- با تو باشد در مکان و بیمکان ** چون بمانی از سرا و از دکان
- He brings forth purity from defilements, He takes your acts of wrong as faithful performance (of duty).
- او بر آرد از کدورتها صفا ** مر جفاهای ترا گیرد وفا
- When you commit wrong, He sends chastisement, to the end that you may go back from imperfection towards perfection.
- چون جفا آری فرستد گوشمال ** تا ز نقصان وا روی سوی کمال
- When you have neglected a part of your orisons in the Way, there comes over you a painful and hot feeling of contraction.
- چون تو وردی ترک کردی در روش ** بر تو قبضی آید از رنج و تبش