- If any one ask you about the question of “the purse,” tell (him) that God's treasure is not contained in purses.
- مسلهی کیس ار بپرسد کس ترا ** گو نگنجد گنج حق در کیسهها
- If talk of khul‘ and mubárá is going on (among them), do not disapprove: (inwardly) mention is being made of “Bukhárá.”
- گر دم خلع و مبارا میرود ** بد مبین ذکر بخارا میرود
- The mention (recollection) of any thing produces a particular (spiritual) effect, inasmuch as every quality has a quiddity.
- ذکر هر چیزی دهد خاصیتی ** زانک دارد هرصفت ماهیتی
- In Bukhárá you attain to (perfection in) the sciences: when you turn to lowliness (ba-khwárí), you are freed from them.
- در بخارا در هنرها بالغى ** چون به خوارى رو نهى ز آن فارغى
- That man of Bukhárá had not the vexation of knowledge: he was fixing his eyes on the sun of vision. 3855
- آن بخاری غصهی دانش نداشت ** چشم بر خورشید بینش میگماشت
- No one who in solitude has found the way to vision will seek power by means of the (diverse) kinds of knowledge.
- هرکه درخلوت ببینش یافت راه ** او ز دانشها نجوید دستگاه
- When he has become a boon-companion to the beauty of the Soul, he will have a disgust of traditional learning and knowledge.
- با جمال جان چوشد همکاسهای ** باشدش ز اخبار و دانش تاسهای
- Vision is superior to knowledge: hence the present world prevails (over the next world) in the view of the vulgar,
- دید بردانش بود غالب فرا ** زان همی دنیا بچربد عامه را
- Because they regard this world as ready money, while they deem what concerns that (other) world to be (like) a debt.
- زانک دنیا را همیبینند عین ** وآن جهانی را همیدانند دین
- How that loving servant turned his face towards Bukhárá.
- رو نهادن آن بندهی عاشق سوی بخارا
- With throbbing heart the lover, who shed tears mingled with blood, set out for Bukhárá in hot haste. 3860
- رو نهاد آن عاشق خونابهریز ** دلطپان سوی بخارا گرم و تیز
- The sands of Ámún seemed to him like silk, the river Oxus seemed to him like a pond.
- ریگ آمون پیش او همچون حریر ** آب جیحون پیش او چون آبگیر
- To him that wilderness was like a rose-garden: he was falling on his back from laughter, like the (full-blown) rose.
- آن بیابان پیش او چون گلستان ** میفتاد از خنده او چون گلستان
- The (material) candy is in Samarcand; but his lip got it from “Bukhárá,” and that (spiritual candy) became his creed.
- در سمرقندست قند اما لبش ** از بخارا یافت و آن شد مذهبش
- “O Bukhárá, thou hast increased understanding (in others) but thou hast robbed me of understanding and religion.
- ای بخارا عقلافزا بودهای ** لیکن ازمن عقل و دین بربودهای
- I am seeking the Full Moon: hence I am (thin) as the new moon. I am seeking the Sadr (Prince) in this ‘shoe-row’ (vestibule).” 3865
- بدر میجویم از آنم چون هلال ** صدر میجویم درین صف نعال
- When he described that “Bukhárá” looming black (in the distance), a whiteness (a mystic illumination) appeared in the blackness of his grief.
- چون سواد آن بخارا را بدید ** در سواد غم بیاضی شد پدید
- He fell (and lay) awhile senseless and outstretched: his reason flew into the garden of the mystery.
- ساعتی افتاد بیهوش و دراز ** عقل او پرید در بستان راز
- They were sprinkling rose-water on his head and face; they were unaware of the rose-water of his love.
- بر سر و رویش گلابی میزدند ** از گلاب عشق او غافل بدند
- He had beheld a hidden rose-garden: the raiding foray of Love had cut him off from himself.
- او گلستانی نهانی دیده بود ** غارت عشقش ز خود ببریده بود
- Thou, frozen (in spirit), art not worthy of this (inspiring) breath (of love): though thou art a reed (cane), thou art not associated with sugar. 3870
- تو فسرده درخور این دم نهای ** با شکر مقرون نهای گرچه نیی
- The baggage of intellect is with thee, and thou art (still) possessed of thy wits, for thou art unaware of armies which ye did not see.
- رخت عقلت با توست و عاقلی ** کز جنودا لم تروها غافلی
- How the reckless lover entered Bukhárá, and how his friends deterred him from showing himself.
- در آمدن آن عاشق لاابالی در بخارا وتحذیر کردن دوستان او را از پیداشدن
- Joyously he entered Bukhárá near his beloved and (him who was) the abode of (his) security,
- اندر آمد در بخارا شادمان ** پیش معشوق خود و دارالامان
- Like the man intoxicated (with love) who (in imagination) flies to heaven: the Moon embraces him and says, “Embrace (me)!”
- همچو آن مستی که پرد بر اثیر ** مه کنارش گیرد و گوید که گیر
- Every one that saw him in Bukhárá said (to him), “Arise (and go) before showing thyself! Do not sit (still)! Flee!
- هرکه دیدش در بخارا گفت خیز ** پیش از پیدا شدن منشین گریز
- For that Prince is seeking thee in anger, that he may wreak a ten years' vengeance on thy life. 3875
- که ترا میجوید آن شه خشمگین ** تا کشد از جان تو ده ساله کین