You, in flight (from your doom), beg him (to grant you) a respite: if he consent, it is granted; otherwise, he says, “Arise (and go with me).”
مهلتی میخواهی از وی در گریز ** گر پذیرد شد و گرنه گفت خیز
The seeking of a respite consists in remedies and cures, that you may patch (thereby) the tattered cloak, the body.
جستن مهلت دوا و چارهها ** که زنی بر خرقهی تن پارهها
At last, one morning, he comes angrily, saying, “How long will the respite be? Now, prithee, be ashamed!”
عاقبت آید صباحی خشموار ** چند باشد مهلت آخر شرم دار
O envious man, ask your pardon of the King ere such a day as that arrives.3990
عذر خود از شه بخواه ای پرحسد ** پیش از آنک آنچنان روزی رسد
And he who rides his horse into the darkness and altogether removes his heart from the Light
وانک در ظلمت براند بارگی ** برکند زان نور دل یکبارگی
Is fleeing from the witness and his purpose; for that witness is calling him to judgement.
میگریزد از گوا و مقصدش ** کان گوا سوی قضا میخواندش
How the people of the mosque blamed the guest once more for (his intention of) sleeping in the mosque by night.
دیگر باره ملامت کردن اهل مسجد مهمان را از شب خفتن در آن مسجد
The people said to him, “Do not act with foolhardiness, depart, lest thy (bodily) vesture and thy soul become in pawn (to Death).”
قوم گفتندش مکن جلدی برو ** تا نگردد جامه و جانت گرو
Froth afar it seems easy, (but) look well! for in the end the passage is grievous.
آن ز دور آسان نماید به نگر ** که به آخر سخت باشد رهگذر
Many a man hanged himself and broke (his neck) and at the moment of agony sought something for his hand to cling to.3995
خویشتن آویخت بس مرد و سکست ** وقت پیچاپیچ دستآویز جست
Before the battle, the fancy of good or evil is slight (makes no deep impression) in a man’s heart;
پیشتر از واقعه آسان بود ** در دل مردم خیال نیک و بد
(But) when he enters into the fray, then to that person the matter becomes woeful.
چون در آید اندرون کارزار ** آن زمان گردد بر آنکس کار زار
Since you are not a lion, beware, do not step forward, for that Doom is a wolf, and your soul is the sheep;
چون نه شیری هین منه تو پای پیش ** کان اجل گرگست و جان تست میش
But if you are one of the Abdál (saints) and your sheep has become a lion, come on securely, for your death has been over-thrown.
ور ز ابدالی و میشت شیر شد ** آمن آ که مرگ تو سرزیر شد
Who is the Abdál? He that becomes transmuted, he whose wine is turned into vinegar by Divine transmutation.4000
کیست ابدال آنک او مبدل شود ** خمرش از تبدیل یزدان خل شود
But you are drunken, pot-valiant, and from (mere) opinion think yourself to be a lion: Beware, do not advance!
لیک مستی شیرگیری وز گمان ** شیر پنداری تو خود را هین مران
God bath said of the unrighteous Hypocrites, “Their valour amongst themselves is a great valour.
گفت حق ز اهل نفاق ناسدید ** باسهم ما بینهم باس شدید
Amongst one another they are manly, (but) in a warlike expedition they are as the women of the house.”
در میان همدگر مردانهاند ** در غزا چون عورتان خانهاند
The Prophet; the commander-in-chief of the things unseen, said, “There is no bravery, O youth, before the battles.”
گفت پیغامبر سپهدار غیوب ** لا شجاعة یا فتی قبل الحروب
The drunken make a froth when there is talk of war, (but) when war is raging they are as unskilled (useless) as froth.4005
وقت لاف غزو مستان کف کنند ** وقت جوش جنگ چون کف بیفنند
At the time when war is spoken Of, his (such a one’s) scimitar is long (drawn and extended); at the time of combat his sword is (sheathed) like an onion.
وقت ذکر غزو شمشیرش دراز ** وقت کر و فر تیغش چون پیاز
At the time of premeditation his heart is eager for wounds; then (in action) his bag is emptied (of air) by a single needle.
وقت اندیشه دل او زخمجو ** پس به یک سوزن تهی شد خیک او
I marvel at the seeker of purity who at the time of polishing shrinks from being handled roughly.
من عجب دارم ز جویای صفا ** کو رمد در وقت صیقل از جفا
Love is like the lawsuit; to suffer harsh treatment is (like) the evidence: when you have no evidence, the lawsuit is lost.
عشق چون دعوی جفا دیدن گواه ** چون گواهت نیست شد دعوی تباه
Do not be aggrieved when this Judge demands your evidence: kiss the snake in order that you may gain the treasure.4010
چون گواهت خواهد این قاضی مرنج ** بوسه ده بر مار تا یابی تو گنج
That harshness is not towards you, O son; nay, towards the evil qualities within you.
آن جفا با تو نباشد ای پسر ** بلک با وصف بدی اندر تو در