- For many have been led astray by the Qur’án: by (clinging to) that rope a multitude have fallen into the well. 4210
- زانک از قرآن بسی گمره شدند ** زان رسن قومی درون چه شدند
- There is no fault in the rope, O perverse man, inasmuch as you had no desire for (reaching) the top.
- مر رسن را نیست جرمی ای عنود ** چون ترا سودای سربالا نبود
- The remainder of the story of the guest of that guest-killing mosque, and his firmness and sincerity.
- باقی قصهی مهمان آن مسجد مهمان کش و ثبات و صدق او
- That high-aspiring stranger to the town said, “I will sleep in this mosque at night.
- آن غریب شهر سربالا طلب ** گفت میخسپم درین مسجد بشب
- O mosque, if thou become my Karbalá, thou wilt be the Ka'ba that fulfils my need.
- مسجدا گر کربلای من شوی ** کعبهی حاجتروای من شوی
- Hark, give me leave, O chosen house, that I may perform a rope-dance, like Mansúr (Halláj)!
- هین مرا بگذار ای بگزیده دار ** تا رسنبازی کنم منصوروار
- If in counselling (me) ye have become (as) Gabriel, (yet) Khalíl (Abraham) will not crave succour in the fire. 4215
- گر شدیت اندر نصیحت جبرئیل ** مینخواهد غوث در آتش خلیل
- Begone, O (thou who art like) Gabriel, for, having been kindled (with the flame of love), I, like aloes-wood and ambergris, am better (when) burnt.
- جبرئیلا رو که من افروخته ** بهترم چون عود و عنبر سوخته
- O Gabriel, although thou art helping and guarding (me) like a brother,
- جبرئیلا گر چه یاری میکنی ** چون برادر پاس داری میکنی
- (Yet), O brother, I am eager for the fire: I am not that (animal) spirit, that I should become more and (then) less.”
- ای برادر من بر آذر چابکم ** من نه آن جانم که گردم بیش و کم
- The animal spirit is increased by fodder: it (the animal spirit) was a fire and was consumed like firewood.
- جان حیوانی فزاید از علف ** آتشی بود و چو هیزم شد تلف
- Had it not become firewood, it would have been fruitful: it would have prospered unto everlasting and would have caused prosperity. 4220
- گر نگشتی هیزم او مثمر بدی ** تا ابد معمور و هم عامر بدی
- Know that this fire is a burning wind: it is a ray of fire, not the essence thereof.
- باد سوزانت این آتش بدان ** پرتو آتش بود نه عین آن
- Assuredly the essence of fire is in the aether: on the earth there is (only) its ray and shadow (reflexion).
- عین آتش در اثیر آمد یقین ** پرتو و سایهی ویست اندر زمین
- Of necessity, the ray, on account of quivering, does not endure: it is speedily returning to its source.
- لاجرم پرتو نپاید ز اضطراب ** سوی معدن باز میگردد شتاب
- Your stature is normally invariable, (but) your shadow is now short, now long.
- قامت تو بر قرار آمد بساز ** سایهات کوته دمی یکدم دراز
- Inasmuch as no one finds permanence in the ray, (all) the reflexions return to (their) origins. 4225
- زانک در پرتو نیابد کس ثبات ** عکسها وا گشت سوی امهات
- Hark, close thy mouth: Mischief has opened its lips. Dry up! God best knoweth the right way.
- هین دهان بر بند فتنه لب گشاد ** خشک آر الله اعلم بالرشاد
- Account of the conception of evil fancies by those deficient in understanding.
- ذکرخیال بد اندیشیدن قاصر فهمان
- Ere this tale reaches the conclusion, there comes from the envious a vapour of stench.
- پیش از آنک این قصه تا مخلص رسد ** دود و گندی آمد از اهل حسد
- I am not pained by it, but this kick may break the nerve of a simple-hearted man's mind.
- من نمیرنجم ازین لیک این لگد ** خاطر سادهدلی را پی کند
- Well did the Sage of Ghazna set forth the (following) spiritual parable for the sake of those who are veiled (from perception of the truth),
- خوش بیان کرد آن حکیم غزنوی ** بهر محجوبان مثال معنوی
- (Saying) that if one see in the Qur’án naught but words, this is not surprising on the part of them that have lost the (right) way, 4230
- که ز قرآن گر نبیند غیر قال ** این عجب نبود ز اصحاب ضلال
- Since the eye of the blind is sensible of naught but heat from the beams of the luminous sun.
- کز شعاع آفتاب پر ز نور ** غیر گرمی مینیابد چشم کور
- Suddenly a great booby popped his head out of an ass-stable, like a railing woman,
- خربطی ناگاه از خرخانهای ** سر برون آورد چون طعانهای
- (Saying) that this discourse, namely, the Mathnawí, is low; (that) it is the story of the Prophet and (consists of) imitation;
- کین سخن پستست یعنی مثنوی ** قصه پیغامبرست و پیروی
- (That) there is no mention of (theosophical) investigation and the sublime mysteries towards which the saints make their steeds gallop;
- نیست ذکر بحث و اسرار بلند ** که دوانند اولیا آن سو سمند