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  • For this reason He (God) called the Prophet muzzammil (one who wraps himself), saying, “Come forth from the cloak, O thou who art fond of taking flight.
  • خواند مزمل نبی را زین سبب ** که برون آ از گلیم ای بوالهرب
  • Do not draw thy head into the cloak and do not cover thy face, for the world is a reeling body: thou art the intelligence (rational spirit).
  • سر مکش اندر گلیم و رو مپوش ** که جهان جسمیست سرگردان تو هوش
  • Hark, do not hide on account of the opprobrium of the adversary, since thou hast the resplendent candle of the Revelation. 1455
  • هین مشو پنهان ز ننگ مدعی ** که تو داری شمع وحی شعشعی
  • Hark, stand up (in prayer) during the night, for thou art a candle, O prince: at night a candle stands up (and burns).
  • هین قم اللیل که شمعی ای همام ** شمع اندر شب بود اندر قیام
  • Without thy radiance, even the bright day is (dark as) night: without thy protection, the lion is captive to the hare.
  • بی‌فروغت روز روشن هم شبست ** بی‌پناهت شیر اسیر ارنبست
  • Be the captain (pilot) of the ship in this sea of (spiritual) purity, for thou art a second Noah, O Mustafá (elect one).
  • باش کشتیبان درین بحر صفا ** که تو نوح ثانیی ای مصطفی
  • An expert guide, (endowed) with understanding, is needed for every road, especially in the road (journey) on the water.
  • ره شناسی می‌بباید با لباب ** هر رهی را خاصه اندر راه آب
  • Arise! Look upon the waylaid caravan: everywhere a ghoul has become captain of the ship. 1460
  • خیز بنگر کاروان ره‌زده ** هر طرف غولیست کشتیبان شده
  • Thou art the Khizr of the time and the Deliverer of every ship (in distress): do not, like (Jesus) the Spirit of God, practise solitude.
  • خضر وقتی غوث هر کشتی توی ** هم‌چو روح‌الله مکن تنها روی
  • In the sight of this assembly (of people) thou art as the candle of heaven: leave off severing thyself (from them) and adopting seclusion.
  • پیش این جمعی چو شمع آسمان ** انقطاع و خلوت آری را بمان
  • ’Tis not the time for seclusion: come into the assembly, O thou who art (as) the humáy, while the guidance (of souls) is like Mount Qáf.
  • وقت خلوت نیست اندر جمع آی ** ای هدی چون کوه قاف و تو همای
  • The full-moon is moving by night on the upper part of the sky: it does not cease from its journey because of the outcry of the dogs.
  • بدر بر صدر فلک شد شب روان ** سیر را نگذارد از بانگ سگان
  • The scoffers keep making an outcry, like dogs, at thy full-moon in the direction of thy high place. 1465
  • طاعنان هم‌چون سگان بر بدر تو ** بانگ می‌دارند سوی صدر تو
  • These dogs are deaf to the (Divine) command, ‘Be ye silent’: from folly (they are) bow-wowing at thy full-moon.
  • این سگان کرند از امر انصتوا ** از سفه و عوع کنان بر بدر تو
  • Hark, O (thou who art) the cure for the sick, do not, on account of anger against the deaf, let go the staff of the blind.
  • هین بمگذار ای شفا رنجور را ** تو ز خشم کر عصای کور را
  • Didst not thou say?—‘He that leads a blind man on the (right) way gains a hundred recompenses and rewards from God.
  • نه تو گفتی قاید اعمی به راه ** صد ثواب و اجر یابد از اله
  • Whoever leads a blind man forty steps is pardoned and will find salvation.’
  • هر که او چل گام کوری را کشد ** گشت آمرزیده و یابد رشد
  • Do thou, therefore, lead away from this impermanent world the multitude of the blind, file on file. 1470
  • پس بکش تو زین جهان بی‌قرار ** جوق کوران را قطار اندر قطار
  • This is the business of a guide: thou art the Guide, thou art the joy for (dispelling) the sorrow of the last (period of) time.
  • کار هادی این بود تو هادیی ** ماتم آخر زمان را شادیی
  • Hark, O Imám of the God-fearing, cause these thinkers of vain fancies to go (onward) till (they attain unto) certainty.
  • هین روان کن ای امام المتقین ** این خیال‌اندیشگان را تا یقین
  • Whoever hath his heart in pawn (devoted) to plotting against thee, I will smite his neck: do thou advance joyously.
  • هر که در مکر تو دارد دل گرو ** گردنش را من زنم تو شاد رو
  • I will lay (more) blindnesses on the top of his blindness: he will deem it sugar, and I will (really) give him poison.
  • بر سر کوریش کوریها نهم ** او شکر پندارد و زهرش دهم
  • (All) intellects have been kindled by My light; (all) plots have been learned from My plotting. 1475
  • عقلها از نور من افروختند ** مکرها از مکر من آموختند
  • What indeed is the Turcoman's tent of black felt before the feet of the male (fierce) elephants of this world?
  • چیست خود آلاجق آن ترکمان ** پیش پای نره پیلان جهان
  • Before My sarsar wind what in sooth is that lamp of his (contrivance), O My greatest prophet?
  • آن چراغ او به پیش صرصرم ** خود چه باشد ای مهین پیغامبرم