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  • He was putting his hand on his (the objector's) mouth to prevent him, (as though to say), “How long wilt thou speak in the presence of one who knows the occult?”
  • دست می‌زند بهر منعش بر دهان ** چند گویی پیش دانای نهان
  • Thou hast brought dry ordure to one endowed with vision, saying, “Buy this instead of a musk-bag.”
  • پیش بینا برده‌ای سرگین خشک ** که بخر این را به جای ناف مشک
  • O thou of stinking brain and stinking marrow, thou placest camel's dung beneath thy nose and sayest, “Oh, delicious!” 2085
  • بعر را ای گنده‌مغز گنده‌مخ ** زیر بینی بنهی و گویی که اخ
  • O squinting crazy fool, thou hast exclaimed in delight, “Oh, oh,” that thy bad wares may find a ready sale,
  • اخ اخی برداشتی ای گیج گاج ** تا که کالای بدت یابد رواج
  • And that thou mayst deceive that pure organ of (spiritual) smell, that which pastures in the celestial rose-garden.
  • تا فریبی آن مشام پاک را ** آن چریده‌ی گلشن افلاک را
  • Though his (the saint's) forbearance has feigned to be stupid, one must know one's self a little.
  • حلم او خود را اگر چه گول ساخت ** خویشتن را اندکی باید شناخت
  • If to-night the mouth of the cooking-pot is left open, yet the cat must have discretion.
  • دیگ را گر باز ماند امشب دهن ** گربه را هم شرم باید داشتن
  • If that glorious one (the saint) has feigned to be asleep, he is (really) very much awake: do not carry off his turban. 2090
  • خویشتن گر خفته کرد آن خوب فر ** سخت بیدارست دستارش مبر
  • How long, O contumacious man devoid of (spiritual) excellence, wilt thou utter these Devil's enchantments in the presence of God's elect one?
  • چند گویی ای لجوج بی‌صفا ** این فسون دیو پیش مصطفی
  • This company (of the elect) have a hundred thousand forbearances, every one of which is (immovable) as a hundred mountains.
  • صد هزاران حلم دارند این گروه ** هر یکی حلمی از آنها صد چو کوه
  • Their forbearance makes a fool of the wary and causes the keen-witted man with a hundred eyes to lose his way.
  • حلمشان بیدار را ابله کند ** زیرک صد چشم را گمره کند
  • Their forbearance, like fine choice wine, mounts by nice degrees up to the brain.
  • حلمشان هم‌چون شراب خوب نغز ** نغز نغزک بر رود بالای مغز
  • Behold the man drunken with that marvellous (earthly) wine: the drunken man has begun to move crookedly like the queen (in chess). 2095
  • مست را بین زان شراب پرشگفت ** هم‌چو فرزین مست کژ رفتن گرفت
  • From (the effect of) that quickly-catching wine the (vigorous) youth is falling in the middle of the road, like an aged man.
  • مرد برنا زان شراب زودگیر ** در میان راه می‌افتد چو پیر
  • Especially (consider the effect of) this (spiritual) wine which is from the jar of Balá—not the wine whereof the intoxication lasts (only) one night;
  • خاصه این باده که از خم بلی است ** نه میی که مستی او یکشبیست
  • (But) that (wine) from which, (by drinking it) at dessert and in migration (from place to place), the Men of the Cave (the Seven Sleepers) lost their reason for three hundred and nine years.
  • آنک آن اصحاب کهف از نقل و نقل ** سیصد و نه سال گم کردند عقل
  • The women of Egypt drank one cup of that (wine) and cut their hands to pieces.
  • زان زنان مصر جامی خورده‌اند ** دستها را شرحه شرحه کرده‌اند
  • The magicians (of Pharaoh) too had the intoxication of Moses: they deemed the gallows to be their beloved. 2100
  • ساحران هم سکر موسی داشتند ** دار را دلدار می‌انگاشتند
  • Ja‘far-i Tayyár was drunken with that wine: therefore, being beside himself, he was pawning (sacrificing) his feet and hands (for God's sake).
  • جعفر طیار زان می بود مست ** زان گرو می‌کرد بی‌خود پا و دست
  • Story of Báyazíd's—may God sanctify his spirit—saying, "Glory to me! How grand is my estate!" and the objection raised by his disciples, and how he gave them an answer to this, not by the way of speech but by the way of vision (immediate experience).
  • قصه‌ی سبحانی ما اعظم شانی گفتن ابویزید قدس الله سره و اعتراض مریدان و جواب این مر ایشان را نه به طریق گفت زبان بلک از راه عیان
  • That venerable dervish, Báyazíd, came to his disciples, saying, “Lo, I am God.”
  • با مریدان آن فقیر محتشم ** بایزید آمد که نک یزدان منم
  • That master of the (mystic) sciences said plainly in drunken fashion, “Hark, there is no god but I, so worship me.”
  • گفت مستانه عیان آن ذوفنون ** لا اله الا انا ها فاعبدون
  • When that ecstasy had passed, they said to him at dawn, “Thou saidest such and such, and this is impiety.”
  • چون گذشت آن حال گفتندش صباح ** تو چنین گفتی و این نبود صلاح
  • He said, “This time, if I make a scandal, come on at once and dash knives into me. 2105
  • گفت این بار ار کنم من مشغله ** کاردها بر من زنید آن دم هله
  • God transcends the body, and I am with the body: ye must kill me when I say a thing like this.”
  • حق منزه از تن و من با تنم ** چون چنین گویم بباید کشتنم
  • When that (spiritual) freeman gave the injunction, each disciple made ready a knife.
  • چون وصیت کرد آن آزادمرد ** هر مریدی کاردی آماده کرد