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  • The terrible lion made a spring from an eminence, (though) indeed he had not the strength and power to move (effectively).
  • گنبدی کرد از بلندی شیر هول  ** خود نبودش قوت و امکان حول 
  • The ass saw him from afar and turned and fled to the bottom of the hill, dropping his shoes as he ran.
  • خر ز دورش دید و برگشت و گریز  ** تا به زیر کوه تازان نعل ریز 
  • “O king of us (all),” said the fox to the lion, “why didst not thou restrain thyself in the hour of battle,
  • گفت روبه شیر را ای شاه ما  ** چون نکردی صبر در وقت وغا 
  • In order that that misguided (creature) might come near thee and that thou might’st vanquish him with a small attack?
  • تا به نزدیک تو آید آن غوی  ** تا باندک حمله‌ای غالب شوی 
  • Precipitation and haste is the Devil's wile; patience and calculation is God's grace. 2570
  • مکر شیطانست تعجیل و شتاب  ** لطف رحمانست صبر و احتساب 
  • He (the ass) was far off and saw the attack and fled: thy weakness is made manifest and thy prestige is destroyed.”
  • دور بود و حمله را دید و گریخت  ** ضعف تو ظاهر شد و آب تو ریخت 
  • He (the lion) replied, “I thought my strength was restored: I did not know my feebleness was so great.
  • گفت من پنداشتم بر جاست زور  ** تا بدین حد می‌ندانستم فتور 
  • Moreover, my hunger and need had passed beyond bounds: through starvation my patience and understanding had been lost.
  • نیز جوع و حاجتم از حد گذشت  ** صبر و عقلم از تجوع یاوه گشت 
  • If by (using) your wits you can reclaim him and bring him back once more,
  • گر توانی بار دیگر از خرد  ** باز آوردن مر او را مسترد 
  • I shall be much obliged to you: try hard, maybe you will fetch him by cunning.” 2575
  • منت بسیار دارم از تو من  ** جهد کن باشد بیاری‌اش به فن 
  • “Yes,” said the fox, “if God should give (me) help and set a seal of blindness on his heart
  • گفت آری گر خدا یاری دهد  ** بر دل او از عمی مهری نهد 
  • (For) then he will forget the terror which he felt on seeing (thee): this will not be alien to his asininity.
  • پس فراموشش شود هولی که دید  ** از خری او نباشد این بعید 
  • But when I bring him, do not thou rush (at him), lest thou lose him again by overhaste.”
  • لیک چون آرم من او را بر متاز  ** تا ببادش ندهی از تعجیل باز 
  • “Yes,” replied the lion; “I have found by experience that I am very ill and that my body has become shaky.
  • گفت آری تجربه کردم که من  ** سخت رنجورم مخلخل گشته تن 
  • Until the ass comes quite near to me, I will not move, I will (apparently) be sound asleep.” 2580
  • تا به نزدیکم نیاید خر تمام  ** من نجنبم خفته باشم در قوام 
  • (Thereupon) the fox departed, saying, “O king, (offer) a prayer that a (great) heedlessness may muffle his reason.
  • رفت روبه گفت ای شه همتی  ** تا بپوشد عقل او را غفلتی 
  • The ass has made vows of repentance to the Creator (and resolved) that he will not be duped by any ne’er-do-well.
  • توبه‌ها کردست خر با کردگار  ** که نگردد غره‌ی هر نابکار 
  • We by cunning will cause his vows to collapse, (for) we are the enemy of reason and of the splendid covenant (with God).
  • توبه‌هااش را به فن بر هم زنیم  ** ما عدوی عقل و عهد روشنیم 
  • The ass's head is a ball for our children: his thought is a plaything for our guile.”
  • کله‌ی خر گوی فرزندان ماست  ** فکرتش بازیچه‌ی دستان ماست 
  • The reason that belongs to (is affected by) the revolution of Saturn hath no position (of honour) in the sight of Universal Reason. 2585
  • عقل که آن باشد ز دوران زحل  ** پیش عقل کل ندارد آن محل 
  • It is made knowing by Mercury and Saturn; we (organs of Universal Reason) by the bounty of the gracious Creator.
  • از عطارد وز زحل دانا شد او  ** ما ز داد کردگار لطف‌خو 
  • The twisted script of our sign-manual is He taught Man: our aims are (expressed in the words) the knowledge is with God.
  • علم الانسان خم طغرای ماست  ** علم عند الله مقصدهای ماست 
  • We are (the object of) the nurture of that resplendent Sun: on that account we are crying, “(Glory to) my Lord the Supreme!”
  • تربیه‌ی آن آفتاب روشنیم  ** ربی الاعلی از آن رو می‌زنیم 
  • (The fox said), “If he (the ass) possesses experience, nevertheless a hundred experiences will be shattered by this deceitful palaver (of mine).
  • تجربه گر دارد او با این همه  ** بشکند صد تجربه زین دمدمه 
  • Maybe that weak-natured one will break his (vow of) repentance, and the bad luck of his breaking it will overtake him.” 2590
  • بوک توبه بشکند آن سست‌خو  ** در رسد شومی اشکستن درو 
  • Explaining that the violation of a covenant and (vow of) repentance is the cause of affliction; nay, it is the cause of metamorphosis, as in the case of the “Fellows of the Sabbath” and in the case of the “Fellows (who disbelieved in the miracle) of the Table of Jesus,” for (God hath said), “And He turned them into apes and swine.” And in this community there is (only) metamorphosis of the spirit, but at the Resurrection the form of the spirit will be given to the body.
  • در بیان آنک نقض عهد و توبه موجب بلا بود بلک موجب مسخ است چنانک در حق اصحاب سبت و در حق اصحاب مایده‌ی عیسی و جعل منهم القردة و الخنازیر و اندرین امت مسخ دل باشد و به قیامت تن را صورت دل دهند نعوذ بالله