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  • The stars gladly ranged themselves in ranks before him: the stars attended his lectures,
  • پیش او استارگان خوش صف زده  ** اختران در درس او حاضر شده 
  • So that the people (present), nobles and commons alike, would hear the voices of the stars.
  • آنچنان که خلق آواز نجوم  ** می‌شنیدند از خصوص و از عموم 
  • The attraction exerted by homogeneity (spiritual affinity) drew the stars down to the earth and caused them to speak plainly before him. 2990
  • جذب جنسیت کشیده تا زمین  ** اختران را پیش او کرده مبین 
  • Each one declared its name and its circumstances and expounded to him (the science of) astronomical observation.
  • هر یکی نام خود و احوال خود  ** باز گفته پیش او شرح رصد 
  • What is (real) homogeneity? A species of insight whereby people gain admission into (the minds and feelings of) one another.
  • چیست جنسیت یکی نوع نظر  ** که بدان یابند ره در هم‌دگر 
  • When God endows you with the same insight which He has hidden in him (another person), you become his congener.
  • آن نظر که کرد حق در وی نهان  ** چون نهد در تو تو گردی جنس آن 
  • What draws a body (person) in any direction? Insight. How should the conscious attract the unconscious?
  • هر طرف چه می‌کشد تن را نظر  ** بی‌خبر را کی کشاند با خبر 
  • When He (God) implants in a man the nature of a woman, fit catamitus et coitum dat. [When He (God) implants in a man the nature of a woman, he becomes a catamite and offers (anal) intercourse.] 2995
  • چونک اندر مرد خوی زن نهد  ** او مخنث گردد و گان می‌دهد 
  • When God implants in a woman the masculine nature, illa femina feminam cupit et cum ea rem habet. [When God implants in a woman the masculine nature, that dildo-using woman becomes a seeker of women.]
  • چون نهد در زن خدا خوی نری  ** طالب زن گردد آن زن سعتری 
  • When He implants in you the qualities of Gabriel, you will seek the way up to the air, like a young bird,
  • چون نهد در تو صفات جبرئیل  ** هم‌چو فرخی بر هواجویی سبیل 
  • Gazing exspectantly, your eye fixed upon the air, estranged from the earth and enamoured of heaven.
  • منتظر بنهاده دیده در هوا  ** از زمین بیگانه عاشق بر سما 
  • When He implants in you the asinine qualities, (even) if you have a hundred wings (expedients) you will fly to the stable.
  • چون نهد در تو صفت‌های خری  ** صد پرت گر هست بر آخر پری 
  • The mouse is not despised for its (outward) form: it becomes a helpless victim of the kite because of its villainous character. 3000
  • از پی صورت نیامد موش خوار  ** از خبیثی شد زبون موش‌خوار 
  • It is a (greedy) food-seeker and a traitor and a lover of darkness, besotted with cheese and pistachio nuts and syrup.
  • طعمه‌جوی و خاین و ظلمت‌پرست  ** از پنیر و فستق و دوشاب مست 
  • When the white falcon has the nature of a mouse, it is an object of contempt to the mice and a disgrace to the wild animals.
  • باز اشهب را چو باشد خوی موش  ** ننگ موشان باشد و عار وحوش 
  • O son, when the nature of Hárút and Márút was changed and He (God) bestowed on them the nature of man,
  • خوی آن هاروت و ماروت ای پسر  ** چون بگشت و دادشان خوی بشر 
  • They fell from (the eminence of) verily, we are they that stand in rowsinto the pit at Babylon (where they remain) shackled head-foremost.
  • در فتادند از لنحن الصافون  ** در چه بابل ببسته سرنگون 
  • The Guarded Tablet was removed from their sight: sorcerer and ensorcelled became their tablet. 3005
  • لوح محفوظ از نظرشان دور شد  ** لوح ایشان ساحر و مسحور شد 
  • The same arms, the same head, the same figure—(yet) a Moses is celestial (in his nature), while a Pharaoh is contemptible.
  • پر همان و سر همان هیکل همان  ** موسیی بر عرش و فرعونی مهان 
  • Be always in quest of the (inward) nature and consort with him whose nature is good: observe how rose-oil (otto) has received (imbibed) the nature (of the rose).
  • در پی خو باش و با خوش‌خو نشین  ** خوپذیری روغن گل را ببین 
  • The earth of the grave is ennobled by the (holy) man (buried there), so that the (owner of an illumined) heart lays his face and hands on his grave.
  • خاک گور از مرد هم یابد شرف  ** تا نهد بر گور او دل روی و کف 
  • Since the earth (of the grave) is ennobled and made fortunate by the neighbourhood of the pure body,
  • خاک از همسایگی جسم پاک  ** چون مشرف آمد و اقبال‌ناک 
  • Do thou too, then, say, “(First) the neighbour, then the house”: if thou hast a heart, go, seek a sweetheart. 3010
  • پس تو هم الجار ثم الدار گو  ** گر دلی داری برو دلدار جو 
  • His dust (body) is endued with the character of his soul: it becomes a collyrium for the eyes of those who are dear (to God).
  • خاک او هم‌سیرت جان می‌شود  ** سرمه‌ی چشم عزیزان می‌شود 
  • Oh, many a one sleeping like dust in the grave is superior in usefulness and open-handedness to a hundred living.
  • ای بسا در گور خفته خاک‌وار  ** به ز صد احیا به نفع و انتشار