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  • Look on these (lovers) who have become frenzied and been killed, like moths, by (their) union (with the Beloved).
  • بنگر اینها را که مجنون گشته‌اند  ** هم‌چو پروانه بوصلت کشته‌اند 
  • Look on this ship of (God's) creatures (and see how it is) sunk in Love: you would say that Love's throat has become a dragon (to swallow it)—
  • بنگر این کشتی خلقان غرق عشق  ** اژدهایی گشت گویی حلق عشق 
  • An invisible heart-ravishing dragon: it is a magnet to draw (towards itself) the reason that is (firm) like a mountain.
  • اژدهایی ناپدید دلربا  ** عقل هم‌چون کوه را او کهربا 
  • Every druggist whose reason became acquainted with Him (Love) dropped the trays (containing drugs and perfumes) into the water of the river. 625
  • عقل هر عطار کاگه شد ازو  ** طبله‌ها را ریخت اندر آب جو 
  • Go, for you will not emerge from this river (of Love) unto everlasting: in truth there is none to be compared with Him.
  • رو کزین جو برنیایی تا ابد  ** لم یکن حقا له کفوا احد 
  • O false pretender, open your eye and see! How long will you say, “I know not that or this”?
  • ای مزور چشم بگشای و ببین  ** چند گویی می‌ندانم آن و این 
  • Ascend from the plague of hypocrisy and deprivation: enter the world of Life and Self-subsistence,
  • از وبای زرق و محرومی بر آ  ** در جهان حی و قیومی در آ 
  • So that “I see not” may become “I see” and these “I know not's” of yours may be (turned into) “I know.”
  • تا نمی‌بینم همی‌بینم شود  ** وین ندانمهات می‌دانم بود 
  • Pass beyond intoxication and be one who bestows intoxication (on others): move away from this mutability into His permanence. 630
  • بگذر از مستی و مستی‌بخش باش  ** زین تلون نقل کن در استواش 
  • How long will you take pride in this intoxication? ’Tis enough: there are so many intoxicated (like you) at the top of every street.
  • چند نازی تو بدین مستی بس است  ** بر سر هر کوی چندان مست هست 
  • If the two worlds were filled with those whom the Friend has intoxicated, they all would be one (spirit), and that one is not despicable.
  • گر دو عالم پر شود سرمست یار  ** جمله یک باشند و آن یک نیست خوار 
  • This (spirit) is nowise rendered despicable by (the appearance of) multitude. Who is despicable? A body-server (sensualist) of fiery nature.
  • این ز بسیاری نیابد خواریی  ** خوار کی بود تن‌پرستی ناریی 
  • Though the world is filled with the sun's light, how should that splendour of beauteous flame be despicable?
  • گر جهان پر شد ز نور آفتاب  ** کی بود خوار آن تف خوش‌التهاب 
  • But, notwithstanding all this, mount higher, since God's earth is spacious and delightful. 635
  • لیک با این جمله بالاتر خرام  ** چونک ارض الله واسع بود و رام 
  • Although this intoxication is (excellent) like the white falcon, (yet) in the earth of (Divine) Transcendence there is (something) superior to it.
  • گرچه این مستی چو باز اشهبست  ** برتر از وی در زمین قدس هست 
  • Go, become an Isráfíl (Seraphiel) in (your) distinction (pre-eminence)— (become) an inspirer of spirituality and intoxicated and an intoxicator (of others).
  • رو سرافیلی شو اندر امتیاز  ** در دمنده‌ی روح و مست و مست‌ساز 
  • Since the intoxicated man's heart is occupied with thoughts of merriment, it has become his practice (to say repeatedly) “I don't know this” and “I don't know that.”
  • مست را چون دل مزاح اندیشه شد  ** این ندانم و آن ندانم پیشه شد 
  • What is the purpose of (saying) “I don't know this” and “I don't know that”? (It is) in order that you may say who He is whom we know.
  • این ندانم وان ندانم بهر چیست  ** تا بگویی آنک می‌دانیم کیست 
  • In discourse negation is (employed) for the purpose of affirmation: cease from negating and begin to affirm. 640
  • نفی بهر ثبت باشد در سخن  ** نفی بگذار و ز ثبت آغاز کن 
  • Come, leave off (saying) “this is not” and “that is not”: bring forward that One who is Real Being.
  • نیست این و نیست آن هین واگذار  ** آنک آن هستست آن را پیش آر 
  • Leave negation and worship only that Real Being: learn this, O father, from (the story of) the drunken Turk.
  • نفی بگذار و همان هستی پرست  ** این در آموز ای پدر زان ترک مست 
  • How a drunken Turkish Amír summoned a minstrel at the hour of the morning-drink; and a commentary on the Tradition, “Verily, God most High hath a wine that He prepared for His friends: when they drink it they become intoxicated, and when they become intoxicated they are purified,” to the end of the Tradition. “The wine is bubbling in the jars of the mysteries in order that any one who is denuded (of self-existence) may drink of that wine.” God most High hath said, “Lo, the righteous shall drink.” “This wine that thou drinkest is forbidden; we drink none but a lawful wine.” “Endeavour through non-existence (of self) to become (really) existent and to be intoxicated with God's wine.”
  • استدعاء امیر ترک مخمور مطرب را بوقت صبوح و تفسیر این حدیث کی ان لله تعالی شرابا اعده لاولیائه اذا شربوا سکروا و اذا سکروا طابوا الی آخر الحدیث می در خم اسرار بدان می‌جوشد تا هر که مجردست از آن می نوشد قال الله تعالی ان الابرار یشربون این می که تو می‌خوری حرامست ما می نخوریم جز حلالی «جهد کن تا ز نیست هست شوی وز شراب خدای مست شوی» 
  • A barbarian Turk came to his senses at dawn and, (suffering) from crop-sickness caused by wine, desired the minstrel (to divert him).
  • اعجمی ترکی سحر آگاه شد  ** وز خمار خمر مطرب‌خواه شد 
  • The spiritual minstrel is the bosom-friend of those intoxicated (with God): he is the dessert and food and strength of the drunken.
  • مطرب جان مونس مستان بود  ** نقل و قوت و قوت مست آن بود 
  • The minstrel led them on to intoxication; then again, he (the intoxicated one) quaffed intoxication from the song of the minstrel. 645
  • مطرب ایشان را سوی مستی کشید  ** باز مستی از دم مطرب چشید 
  • That one (the mystic) fetches God's wine (to drink) because of that (spiritual) minstrel, while this one (the sensualist) imbibes the bodily wine from this (sensual) minstrel.
  • آن شراب حق بدان مطرب برد  ** وین شراب تن ازین مطرب چرد