- Inasmuch as He gives light without, any lamp—if your lamp is gone, why are you lamenting?
- بی چراغی چون دهد او روشنی ** گر چراغت شد چه افغان میکنی
- Description of some saints who are content with the (Divine) ordainments and do not beseech (God) to change this decree.
- صفت بعضی اولیا کی راضیاند باحکام و لابه نکنند کی این حکم را بگردان
- Now listen to a story of those travellers on the Way who have no objection in the world.
- بشنو اکنون قصهی آن رهروان ** که ندارند اعتراضی در جهان
- Those of the saints who make invocation are in sooth different (from these travellers): sometimes they sew and sometimes they tear.
- ز اولیا اهل دعا خود دیگرند ** که همیدوزند و گاهی میدرند
- I know another class of saints whose mouths are closed to invocation. 1880
- قوم دیگر میشناسم ز اولیا ** که دهانشان بسته باشد از دعا
- Because of the content (quietism) that is subservient to (possessed by) those noble ones, it has become unlawful for them to seek to avert Destiny.
- از رضا که هست رام آن کرام ** جستن دفع قضاشان شد حرام
- In (submitting to) Destiny they experience a peculiar delight: it would be (an act of) infidelity for them to crave release.
- در قضا ذوقی همیبینند خاص ** کفرشان آید طلب کردن خلاص
- He (God) hath revealed to their hearts such a good opinion (of Him) that they do not put on the blue garb (of mourning) on account of any sorrow.
- حسن ظنی بر دل ایشان گشود ** که نپوشند از عمی جامهی کبود
- How Buhlúl questioned a certain dervish.
- سال کردن بهلول آن درویش را
- Buhlúl said to a certain dervish, “How art thou, O dervish? Inform me.”
- گفت بهلول آن یکی درویش را ** چونی ای درویش واقف کن مرا
- He said, “How should that one be, according to whose desire the work of the world goes on?— 1885
- گفت چون باشد کسی که جاودان ** بر مراد او رود کار جهان
- According to whose desire the torrents and rivers flow, and the stars move in such wise as he wills;
- سیل و جوها بر مراد او روند ** اختران زان سان که خواهد آن شوند
- And Life and Death are his officers, going to and fro according to his desire.
- زندگی و مرگ سرهنگان او ** بر مراد او روانه کو بکو
- He sends (what entails) condolence wheresoever he will; he bestows (what entails) felicitation wheresoever he will.
- هر کجا خواهد فرستد تعزیت ** هر کجا خواهد ببخشد تهنیت
- The travellers on the Way (go) according to his pleasure; they that have lost the Way (are fallen) in his snare.
- سالکان راه هم بر گام او ** ماندگان از راه هم در دام او
- No tooth flashes with laughter in the world without the approval and command of that imperial personage.” 1890
- هیچ دندانی نخندد در جهان ** بی رضا و امر آن فرمانروان
- He (Buhlúl) said, “O King, thou hast spoken truly: ’tis even so: this is manifest in thy (spiritual) radiance and (glorious) aspect.
- گفت ای شه راست گفتی همچنین ** در فر و سیمای تو پیداست این
- Thou art this and a hundred times as much, O veracious one; but expound this (mystery) and explain it very well,
- این و صد چندینی ای صادق ولیک ** شرح کن این را بیان کن نیک نیک
- In such fashion that (both) the virtuous (wise) and the man given to vanity (folly) may assent when it comes to their ears.
- آنچنانک فاضل و مرد فضول ** چون به گوش او رسد آرد قبول
- Expound it in thy discourse in such a way that the understanding of the vulgar may profit thereby.”
- آنچنانش شرح کن اندر کلام ** که از آن هم بهره یابد عقل عام
- The perfect speaker is like one who distributes trays of viands, and on whose table is every sort of food, 1895
- ناطق کامل چو خوانپاشی بود ** خوانش بر هر گونهی آشی بود
- So that no guest remains without provisions, (but) each one gets his (proper) nourishment separately:
- که نماند هیچ مهمان بی نوا ** هر کسی یابد غذای خود جدا
- (Such a speaker is) like the Qur’án which is sevenfold in meaning, and in which there is food for the elect and for the vulgar.
- همچو قرآن که بمعنی هفت توست ** خاص را و عام را مطعم دروست
- He (the dervish) said, “This at least is evident to the vulgar, that the world is subject to the command of God.
- گفت این باری یقین شد پیش عام ** که جهان در امر یزدانست رام
- No leaf drops from a tree without the predestination and ordainment of that Ruler of Fortune.
- هیچ برگی در نیفتد از درخت ** بی قضا و حکم آن سلطان بخت
- No morsel goes from the mouth towards the gullet till God says to that morsel, ‘Enter!’ 1900
- از دهان لقمه نشد سوی گلو ** تا نگوید لقمه را حق که ادخلوا
- The inclination and desire which is Man's nose-rein—its movement is subject to the command of that Self-sufficient One.
- میل و رغبت کان زمام آدمیست ** جنبش آن رام امر آن غنیست
- In (all) the earths and heavens not an atom moves a wing, not a straw turns,
- در زمینها و آسمانها ذرهای ** پر نجنباند نگردد پرهای
- Save by His eternal and effectual command. To expound (this) is impossible, and presumption is not good.
- جز به فرمان قدیم نافذش ** شرح نتوان کرد و جلدی نیست خوش
- Who may number all the leaves of the trees? How may the Infinite become amenable to speech?
- کی شمرد برگ درختان را تمام ** بینهایت کی شود در نطق رام
- Hear this much, (however): since all action (in the universe) only comes to pass by the command of the Maker, 1905
- این قدر بشنو که چون کلی کار ** مینگردد جز بامر کردگار
- When the predestination of God becomes the pleasure of His servant, he (the servant) becomes a willing slave to His decree,
- چون قضای حق رضای بنده شد ** حکم او را بندهی خواهنده شد
- Without tasking himself, and not on account of the (future) reward and recompense; nay, his nature has become so goodly.
- بی تکلف نه پی مزد و ثواب ** بلک طبع او چنین شد مستطاب
- He does not desire his life for himself nor to the end that he may enjoy the life that is found sweet (by others).
- زندگی خود نخواهد بهر خوذ ** نه پی ذوقی حیات مستلذ
- Wheresoever the Eternal Command takes its course, living and dying are one to him.
- هرکجا امر قدم را مسلکیست ** زندگی و مردگی پیشش یکیست
- He lives for God's sake, not for riches; he dies for God's sake, not from fear of pain. 1910
- بهر یزدان میزید نه بهر گنج ** بهر یزدان میمرد نه از خوف رنج
- His faith is (held) for the sake of (doing) His will, not for the sake of Paradise and its trees and streams.
- هست ایمانش برای خواست او ** نه برای جنت و اشجار و جو
- His abandonment of infidelity is also for God's sake, not for fear lest he go into the Fire.
- ترک کفرش هم برای حق بود ** نه ز بیم آنک در آتش رود
- That disposition of his is like this originally: it is not (acquired by) discipline or by his effort and endeavour.
- این چنین آمد ز اصل آن خوی او ** نه ریاضت نه بجست و جوی او
- He laughs at the moment when he sees (the Divine) pleasure: to him Destiny is even as sugared sweetmeat.”
- آنگهان خندد که او بیند رضا ** همچو حلوای شکر او را قضا
- The servant (of God) whose disposition and character is (like) this—does not the world move according to his command and behest? 1915
- بندهای کش خوی و خلقت این بود ** نه جهان بر امر و فرمانش رود
- Then why should he make entreaty and cry in prayer, “O God, avert this destiny”?
- پس چرا لابه کند او یا دعا ** که بگردان ای خداوند این قضا
- For God's sake his (own) death and the death of his children is to him like sweetmeat in the gullet.
- مرگ او و مرگ فرزندان او ** بهر حق پیشش چو حلوا در گلو
- To that loyal one the death-agony of his children is like honey-cakes to a destitute old man.
- نزع فرزندان بر آن باوفا ** چون قطایف پیش شیخ بینوا
- Why, then, should he invoke (God), unless perchance he see the pleasure of the (Divine) Judge in (such) invocation?
- پس چراگوید دعا الا مگر ** در دعا بیند رضای دادگر
- That righteous servant does not make that intercession and invocation from his own mercifulness. 1920
- آن شفاعت و آن دعا نه از رحم خود ** میکند آن بندهی صاحب رشد
- He has burned up (consumed away) his own mercifulness at the moment when he has lighted the lamp of love of God.
- رحم خود را او همان دم سوختست ** که چراغ عشق حق افروختست
- Love is the Hell-fire of his attributes, and it has burnt up the attributes of self, hair by hair.
- دوزخ اوصاف او عشقست و او ** سوخت مر اوصاف خود را مو بمو
- When did any night-traveller understand this distinction except Daqúqí? (He understood it), so that he sped into this (spiritual) empire.
- هر طروقی این فروقی کی شناخت ** جز دقوقی تا درین دولت بتاخت
- The story of Daqúqí and his miraculous gifts.
- قصهی دقوقی رحمة الله علیه و کراماتش
- That Daqúqí had a fair front; he was a (spiritual) lord who loved (God) and possessed miraculous gifts.
- آن دقوقی داشت خوش دیباجهای ** عاشق و صاحب کرامت خواجهای
- He walked on earth as the moon in heaven: by him the spirits of the night-travellers became illumined. 1925
- در زمین میشد چو مه بر آسمان ** شبروان راگشته زو روشن روان
- He would not make his abode in any one place, he would not spend two days in a village.
- در مقامی مسکنی کم ساختی ** کم دو روز اندر دهی انداختی