- The eater of clay has a desire for clay: rose-flavoured sugar is indigestible for that wretched man. 3285
- آرزوی گل بود گلخواره را ** گلشکر نگوارد آن بیچاره را
- How Revelation came from God most High to Moses that he should teach him the thing demanded by him, or part of it.
- وحی آمدن از حق تعالی به موسی کی بیاموزش چیزی کی استدعا کند یا بعضی از آن
- God said, “Do thou grant his need: let him have a free hand to choose (good or evil).”
- گفت یزدان تو بده بایست او ** برگشا در اختیار آن دست او
- Choice (free-will) is the salt of devotion; otherwise (there would be no merit): this celestial sphere revolves involuntarily;
- اختیار آمد عبادت را نمک ** ورنه میگردد بناخواه این فلک
- (Hence) its revolution has neither reward nor punishment, for free-will is (accounted) a merit at the time of the Reckoning.
- گردش او را نه اجر و نه عقاب ** که اختیار آمد هنر وقت حساب
- All created beings indeed are glorifiers (of God), (but) that compulsory glorification is not wage-earning.
- جمله عالم خود مسبح آمدند ** نیست آن تسبیح جبری مزدمند
- “Put a sword in his hand, pull him away from weakness (incapacity to choose), so that he may become (either) a holy warrior or a brigand, 3290
- تیغ در دستش نه از عجزش بکن ** تا که غازی گردد او یا راهزن
- Because We have honoured Man by (the gift of) free-will: half (of him) is honeybee, half is snake.”
- زانک کرمنا شد آدم ز اختیار ** نیم زنبور عسل شد نیم مار
- The true believers are a store of honey, like the bee; the infidels, in sooth, are a store of poison, like the snake,
- مومنان کان عسل زنبوروار ** کافران خود کان زهری همچو مار
- Because the true believer ate choice herbs, so that, like a bee, his spittle became (a means of giving) life;
- زانک مومن خورد بگزیده نبات ** تا چو نحلی گشت ریق او حیات
- (While), again, the infidel drank sherbet of filthy water: accordingly from his nourishment poison appeared in him.
- باز کافر خورد شربت از صدید ** هم ز قوتش زهر شد در وی پدید
- Those inspired by God are the fountain of life; those allured by the enticements of sensuality are the poison of death. 3295
- اهل الهام خدا عین الحیات ** اهل تسویل هوا سم الممات
- In the world this praise and “well done!” and “bravo!” are (bestowed) in virtue of free-will and watchful attention.
- در جهان این مدح و شاباش و زهی ** ز اختیارست و حفاظ آگهی
- All profligates, when they are in prison, become devout and ascetic and invokers of God.
- جمله رندان چونک در زندان بوند ** متقی و زاهد و حقخوان شوند
- When the power (to act freely) is gone, the work becomes unsaleable (worthless). Take heed lest Doom seize the capital (which thou hast).
- چونک قدرت رفت کاسد شد عمل ** هین که تا سرمایه نستاند اجل
- The power (of free action) is thy profit-earning capital. Hark, watch over the moment of power and observe (it well)!
- قدرتت سرمایهی سودست هین ** وقت قدرت را نگه دار و ببین
- Man rides on the steed of “We have honoured (the sons of Adam)”: the reins of free-will are in the hand of his intelligence. 3300
- آدمی بر خنگ کرمنا سوار ** در کف درکش عنان اختیار
- Once more did Moses admonish him kindly, saying, “The thing thou desirest will make thy face pale.
- باز موسی داد پند او را بمهر ** که مرادت زرد خواهد کرد چهر
- Abandon this vain passion and be afraid of God: the Devil has schooled thee for the purpose of deception.”
- ترک این سودا بگو وز حق بترس ** دیو دادستت برای مکر درس
- How that seeker was content to be taught the language of domestic fowls and dogs, and how Moses, on whom be peace; complied with his request.
- قانع شدن آن طالب به تعلیم زبان مرغ خانگی و سگ و اجابت موسی علیه السلام
- He said, “At any rate (teach me) the language of the dog which is at the door and the language of the domestic fowl which has wings.”
- گفت باری نطق سگ کو بر درست ** نطق مرغ خانگی کاهل پرست
- “Hark,” said Moses, “thou knowest (best)! Go, it (the fulfilment of thy wish) has arrived: the language of both of these will be revealed to thee.”
- گفت موسی هین تو دانی رو رسید ** نطق این هر دو شود بر تو پدید
- At daybreak, in order to make trial, he stood waiting on the threshold. 3305
- بامدادان از برای امتحان ** ایستاد او منتظر بر آستان
- The maid-servant shook the table-cloth, and a piece of bread, the remnants of last night's meal, fell out.
- خادمه سفره بیفشاند و فتاد ** پارهای نان بیات آثار زاد
- A cock snatched it up as (though it were) the stake (in a race). The dog said, “You have done injustice-to me. Begone!
- در ربود آن را خروسی چون گرو ** گفت سگ کردی تو بر ما ظلم رو
- You can eat a grain of corn, while I am unable to eat grains in my abode.
- دانهی گندم توانی خورد و من ** عاجزم در دانه خوردن در وطن
- You can eat corn and barley and the rest of the grains, while I cannot, O jubilant one.
- گندم و جو را و باقی حبوب ** میتوانی خورد و من نه ای طروب
- This crust of bread, the bread which is our portion—you are taking away from the dogs such a (small) quantity (of food) as this!” 3310
- این لب نانی که قسم ماست نان ** میربایی این قدر را از سگان
- The cock's answer to the dog.
- جواب خروس سگ را
- Then the cock said to him, “Be silent, do not grieve, for God will give you something else instead of this.
- پس خروسش گفت تن زن غم مخور ** که خدا بدهد عوض زینت دگر
- The horse of this Khwája is about to die: to-morrow eat your fill and be not sorrowful.
- اسپ این خواجه سقط خواهد شدن ** روز فردا سیر خور کم کن حزن
- The horse's death will be a feast-day for the dogs: there will be abundant provender without toil or earning.”
- مر سگان را عید باشد مرگ اسپ ** روزی وافر بود بی جهد و کسپ
- When the man heard (this speech), he sold the horse. That cock of his was disgraced in the eyes of the dog.
- اسپ را بفروخت چون بشنید مرد ** پیش سگ شد آن خروسش رویزرد
- Next day the cock carried off the bread in the same fashion (as before), and the dog opened his lips at him, 3315
- روز دیگر همچنان نان را ربود ** آن خروس و سگ برو لب بر گشود
- Saying, “O beguiling cock, how long (will you tell) these lies? You are unrighteous and false and without lustre.
- کای خروس عشوهده چند این دروغ ** ظالمی و کاذبی و بی فروغ
- Where is the horse that you said would die? You are (like) a blind man who tells of the stars and you are deprived of truth.”
- اسپ کش گفتی سقط گردد کجاست ** کور اخترگوی و محرومی ز راست
- That knowing cock said to him, “His horse died in another place.
- گفت او را آن خروس با خبر ** که سقط شد اسپ او جای دگر
- He sold the horse and escaped from loss: he cast the loss upon others;
- اسپ را بفروخت و جست او از زیان ** آن زیان انداخت او بر دیگران
- But to-morrow his mule will die: that will be good fortune for the dogs, (so say) no more.” 3320
- لیک فردا استرش گردد سقط ** مر سگان را باشد آن نعمت فقط
- The covetous man immediately sold the mule and at that instant obtained deliverance from grief and loss.
- زود استر را فروشید آن حریص ** یافت از غم وز زیان آن دم محیص
- On the third day the dog said to the cock, “O prince of liars with your drums and kettledrums!”
- روز ثالث گفت سگ با آن خروس ** ای امیر کاذبان با طبل و کوس
- He (the cock) said, “He sold the mule in haste, (but),” said he, “to-morrow his slave will be stricken down,
- گفت او بفروخت استر را شتاب ** گفت فردایش غلام آید مصاب
- And when his slave dies, the next of kin will scatter pieces of bread upon the dogs and beggars.”
- چون غلام او بمیرد نانها ** بر سگ و خواهنده ریزند اقربا
- He (the master) heard this and sold his slave: he was saved from loss and his face was lit up (with joy). 3325
- این شنید و آن غلامش را فروخت ** رست از خسران و رخ را بر فروخت
- He was giving thanks and making merry, saying, “I have been saved from three calamities in the world.
- شکرها میکرد و شادیها که من ** رستم از سه واقعه اندر زمن
- Since I learned the language of the fowl and the dog I have pierced the eye of evil destiny.”
- تا زبان مرغ و سگ آموختم ** دیدهی س القضا را دوختم
- Next day the disappointed dog said, “O drivelling cock, where are the sundries (you promised me)?
- روز دیگر آن سگ محروم گفت ** کای خروس ژاژخا کو طاق و جفت
- [How the cock became abashed before the dog on account of being false in those three promises.]
- خجل گشتن خروس پیش سگ به سبب دروغ شدن در آن سه وعده
- How long, pray, how long (will) your falsehood and deceit (continue)? Truly, nothing but falsehood flies out of your nest.”
- چند چند آخر دروغ و مکر تو ** خود نپرد جز دروغ از وکر تو
- He said, “Far be it from me and from my kind that we should become afflicted with falsehood. 3330
- گفت حاشا از من و از جنس من ** که بگردیم از دروغی ممتحن
- We cocks are veracious like the muezzin: we are observers of the sun as well as seekers of the (right) time.
- ما خروسان چون مذن راستگوی ** هم رقیب آفتاب و وقتجوی
- We are watchers of the sun inwardly, though you may turn a basin upside down over us.”
- پاسبان آفتابیم از درون ** گر کنی بالای ما طشتی نگون
- The watchers of the Sun (of Reality) are the saints: in the flesh (they are) acquainted with the Divine mysteries.
- پاسبان آفتابند اولیا ** در بشر واقف ز اسرار خدا
- “God gave our family as a gift to Man to call (him) to the ritual prayer (and) in preparation (for that purpose).
- اصل ما را حق پی بانگ نماز ** داد هدیه آدمی را در جهاز