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  • جامگی او وظیفه‏ی چل امیر ** ده یک قدرش ندیدی صد وزیر
  • His allowance was the stipend of forty Amírs; a hundred Viziers would not see (receive) a tenth of its amount.
  • از کمال طالع و اقبال و بخت ** او ایازی بود و شه محمود وقت‏
  • Through the perfection of (his) natal star and prosperity and fortune he was an Ayáz, while the King was the Mahmúd of the time.
  • روح او با روح شه در اصل خویش ** پیش از این تن بوده هم پیوند و خویش‏ 1050
  • His spirit in its origin, before (the creation of) this body, was near-related and akin to the King's spirit.
  • کار آن دارد که پیش از تن بده ست ** بگذر از اینها که نو حادث شده ست‏
  • (Only) that matters which has existed before the body; leave (behind you) these things which have newly sprung into being.
  • کار عارف راست کاو نه احول است ** چشم او بر کشتهای اول است‏
  • That which matters belongs to the knower (of God), for he is not squinting: his eye is (fixed) upon the things first sown.
  • آن چه گندم کاشتندش و آن چه جو ** چشم او آن جاست روز و شب گرو
  • That which was sown as wheat (good) or as barley (relatively evil)—day and night his eye is fastened on that place (where it was sown).
  • آنچ آبست است شب جز آن نزاد ** حیله‏ها و مکرها باد است باد
  • Night gave birth to nothing but what she was pregnant withal: designs and plots are wind, (empty) wind.
  • کی کند دل خوش به حیلتهای گش ** آن که بیند حیله‏ی حق بر سرش‏ 1055
  • How should he please his heart with fair designs who sees the design of God (prevailing) over them?
  • او درون دام دامی می‏نهد ** جان تو نه این جهد نه آن جهد
  • He is within the snare (of God) and is laying a snare: by your life, neither that (snare) will escape (destruction) nor will this (man).
  • گر بروید ور بریزد صد گیاه ** عاقبت بر روید آن کشته‏ی اله‏
  • Though (in the meanwhile) a hundred herbs grow and fade, there will grow up at last that which God has sown.