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  • When thou hast rent the veil, where are fear and hope? The might and majesty belonging to the Unseen are divulged.
  • چون دریدی پرده کو خوف و رجا ** غیب را شد کر و فری بر ملا
  • A young man on the bank of a river thought (to himself), “Our fisherman (here) is Solomon.
  • بر لب جو برد ظنی یک فتا ** که سلیمان است ماهی‌‌گیر ما
  • (But) if this is he, why is he alone and disguised? And if not, why has he the aspect of Solomon?”
  • گر وی است این از چه فرد است و خفی است ** ور نه سیمای سلیمانیش چیست‌‌
  • Thus thinking, he remained in two minds until Solomon (once more) became king and absolute ruler. 3620
  • اندر این اندیشه می‌‌بود او دو دل ** تا سلیمان گشت شاه و مستقل‌‌
  • The demon departed and fled from his (Solomon's) kingdom and throne: the sword of his fortune shed that devil's blood.
  • دیو رفت از ملک و تخت او گریخت ** تیغ بختش خون آن شیطان بریخت‌‌
  • He put the ring upon his finger, the hosts of demons and peris assembled.
  • کرد در انگشت خود انگشتری ** جمع آمد لشکر دیو و پری‌‌
  • The men came to look, amongst them he who had the fancy (that the fisherman was Solomon in disguise).
  • آمدند از بهر نظاره رجال ** در میانشان آن که بد صاحب خیال‌‌
  • When he saw the ring on his finger, his perplexity and doubt vanished all at once.
  • چون در انگشتش بدید انگشتری ** رفت اندیشه و تحری یک سری‌‌
  • Imagination occurs (only) at the time when that (object of desire) is hidden: this searching is after the unseen. 3625
  • وهم آن گاه است کان پوشیده است ** این تحری از پی نادیده است‌‌
  • Whilst he was absent, fancy waxed strong in his breast: as soon as he was present, his fancy departed.
  • شد خیال غایب اندر سینه زفت ** چون که حاضر شد خیال او برفت‌‌