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  • When your remedy increases the disease, then (leave him who will not be cured, and) tell your story to one that seeks (to hear the Truth). Read (the chapter of the Qur’án, which begins with the word) ‘Abasa (he frowned):
  • چون دوایت می‏فزاید درد پس ** قصه با طالب بگو بر خوان عبس‏
  • “As the blind man has come seeking the Truth, ‘tis not meet to wound his breast (by turning aside from him) on account of his poverty.
  • چون که اعمی طالب حق آمده ست ** بهر فقر او را نشاید سینه خست‏
  • Thou (Mohammed) art eager for the great ones to take the right way, in order that the common folk may learn from the rulers.
  • تو حریصی بر رشاد مهتران ** تا بیاموزند عام از سروران‏
  • O Ahmad (Mohammed), thou hast seen that a company of princes have become ready to listen (to thee), and thou art pleased (with the hope) that, maybe, 2070
  • احمدا دیدی که قومی از ملوک ** مستمع گشتند گشتی خوش که بوک‏
  • These chieftains will become good friends of the Religion (Islam), (for) they are lords over the Arabs and the Abyssinians,
  • این رئیسان یار دین گردند خوش ** بر عرب اینها سرند و بر حبش‏
  • (And that) the fame of this will pass beyond Basra and Tabúk, since ‘people follow the religion of their kings.’
  • بگذرد این صیت از بصره و تبوک ** ز انکه الناس علی دین الملوک‏
  • For this cause thou hast averted thy face from the blind man that was led into the right way, and hast become vexed,
  • زین سبب تو از ضریر مهتدی ** رو بگردانیدی و تنگ آمدی‏
  • Saying (to him), ‘This gathering (of strangers) seldom falls out so opportunely, (whereas) you are one of my friends, and your time is ample.
  • که در این فرصت کم افتد این مناخ ** تو ز یارانی و وقت تو فراخ‏
  • You are urgent with me at an inconvenient time. I give you this admonition, (but) not in anger and strife.’ 2075
  • مزدحم می‏گردیم در وقت تنگ ** این نصیحت می‏کنم نه از خشم و جنگ‏
  • O Ahmad, in the sight of God this one blind man is better than a hundred emperors and a hundred viziers.
  • احمدا نزد خدا این یک ضریر ** بهتر از صد قیصر است و صد وزیر