- Began to fall on their faces from affright, tumbling panic-stricken down every slope.
- رو در افتادن گرفتند از نهیب ** غلط غلطان منهزم در هر نشیب
- Then to them it became certain that he (Moses) was from Heaven, since they were seeing the limit of (the power of) magicians. 1235
- پس یقینشان شد که هست از آسمان ** زانک میدیدند حد ساحران
- Afterwards diarrhoea and fever appeared in them, and their case reached the last gasp and the death-agony.
- بعد از آن اطلاق و تبشان شد پدید ** کارشان تا نزع و جان کندن رسید
- Then at once they sent a man to Moses to excuse that (which they had done),
- پس فرستادند مردی در زمان ** سوی موسی از برای عذر آن
- Saying, “We have put (thee) to the test, and how should (the thought of) testing thee occur to us unless there be envy (as a motive)?
- کامتحان کردیم و ما را کی رسد ** امتحان تو اگر نبود حسد
- We are sinners against the King (God): do thou crave pardon for us, O thou that art the elect of the elect of the Court of God.”
- مجرم شاهیم ما را عفو خواه ** ای تو خاص الخاص درگاه اله
- He pardoned (them), and at once they became well; they were striking their heads upon the earth (prostrating themselves) in the presence of Moses. 1240
- عفو کرد و در زمان نیکو شدند ** پیش موسی بر زمین سر میزدند
- Moses said, “I pardon (you), O nobles: your bodies and souls have become unlawful to (immune from) Hell.
- گفت موسی عفو کردم ای کرام ** گشت بر دوزخ تن و جانتان حرام
- Verily (’tis as though) I did not see you; O (my) two friends, make yourselves strangers to (refrain from) exculpation.
- من شما را خود ندیدم ای دو یار ** اعجمی سازید خود را ز اعتذار
- Come, even as ye are, alien in appearance (but) familiar (in reality), to combat for the King (God).”
- همچنان بیگانهشکل و آشنا ** در نبرد آیید بهر پادشا