The (process of) generation from Moses is (continuing) till the Resurrection: the Light is not different, (though) the lamp has become different.
تا قیامت هست از موسی نتاج ** نور دیگر نیست دیگر شد سراج
This earthenware lamp and this wick are different, but its light is not different: it is from Yonder.1255
این سفال و این پلیته دیگرست ** لیک نورش نیست دیگر زان سرست
If thou keep looking at the glass (lantern), thou wilt be lost, because from the glass arise the numbers of (the plurality inherent in) dualism;
گر نظر در شیشه داری گم شوی ** زانک از شیشهست اعداد دوی
But if thou keep thy gaze (fixed) upon the Light, thou wilt be delivered from dualism and the numbers (plurality) of the finite body.
ور نظر بر نور داری وا رهی ** از دوی واعداد جسم منتهی
From the place (object) of view, O (thou who art the) kernel of Existence, there arises the difference between the true believer and the Zoroastrian and the Jew.
از نظرگاهست ای مغز وجود ** اختلاف مومن و گبر و جهود
The disagreement as to the description and shape of the elephant.
اختلاف کردن در چگونگی و شکل پیل
The elephant was in a dark house: some Hindús had brought it for exhibition.
پیل اندر خانهی تاریک بود ** عرضه را آورده بودندش هنود
In order to see it, many people were going, every one, into that darkness.1260
از برای دیدنش مردم بسی ** اندر آن ظلمت همیشد هر کسی
As seeing it with the eye was impossible, (each one) was feeling it in the dark with the palm of his hand.
دیدنش با چشم چون ممکن نبود ** اندر آن تاریکیش کف میبسود
The hand of one fell on its trunk: he said, “This creature is like a water-pipe.”
آن یکی را کف به خرطوم اوفتاد ** گفت همچون ناودانست این نهاد
The hand of another touched its ear: to him it appeared to be like a fan.
آن یکی را دست بر گوشش رسید ** آن برو چون بادبیزن شد پدید