- Thinking, “We have done all this and (still) we are prisoners: it was a bad building (a badly devised plan), and we are bad builders.” 1585
- کین همه کردیم و ما زندانییم ** بد بنایی بود ما بد بانییم
- How for the second time the boys made the master imagine (that he was ill), saying that their recitation of the Qur’án would increase his headache.
- دوم بار وهم افکندن کودکان استاد را کی او را از قرآن خواندن ما درد سر افزاید
- The clever boy said, “O good fellows, recite the lesson and make your voices loud.”
- گفت آن زیرک که ای قوم پسند ** درس خوانید و کنید آوا بلند
- When they were reciting (loudly), he said, “Boys, the noise we are making will do the master harm.
- چون همیخواندند گفت ای کودکان ** بانگ ما استاد را دارد زیان
- The master's headache will be increased by the noise: is it worth while that he should suffer pain for the sake of (a few) pence?”
- درد سر افزاید استا را ز بانگ ** ارزد این کو درد یابد بهر دانگ
- The master said, “He is speaking the truth: depart. My headache is worse: go out (of the house)!”
- گفت استا راست میگوید روید ** درد سر افزون شدم بیرون شوید
- How the boys escaped from school by this trick.
- خلاص یافتن کودکان از مکتب بدین مکر
- They bowed and said, “O honoured sir, may illness and danger be far from you!” 1590
- سجده کردند و بگفتند ای کریم ** دور بادا از تو رنجوری و بیم
- Then they bounded off to their homes, like birds in desire of grain.
- پس برون جستند سوی خانهها ** همچو مرغان در هوای دانهها
- Their mothers became angry with them and said, “A school-day and you at play!”
- مادرانشان خشمگین گشتند و گفت ** روز کتاب و شما با لهو جفت
- They offered excuses (every one of them), saying, “Stop, mother! This sin does not proceed from us and is not caused by our fault.
- عذر آوردند کای مادر تو بیست ** این گناه از ما و از تقصیر نیست
- By the destiny of Heaven our master has become ill and sick and afflicted.”
- از قضای آسمان استاد ما ** گشت رنجور و سقیم و مبتلا